Amy Babish

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Healing Physical Pain & Generational Trauma with Constellation Work

The issues and pain we experience in this lifetime may not always be our own. Sometimes we are simply meant to be the one to close the loop.

This particular episode will help you better understand how alchemical family and systems constellation work can not only heal generational trauma—but also unexplained physical pain and issues.

Meet a colleague and emerging friend of mine, Jessica Betancourt! She’s a certified RTT Hypnotherapist and Holistic Health Coach who helps people unravel their addictive habits and obsessive tendencies. She specializes in helping people heal their relationships with alcohol, smoking, cocaine, sugar, and screen addiction.

Before we even began this conversation, I had full-body chills. It was apparent something deeply meaningful was about to transpire.

You’ll especially want to tune into this client session if you, too:

» can’t seem to figure out why you’re having physical pain and issues

» want to feel strong in your body and get more time back

» are a young mom of and/or mom of multiple children

» have some history of religious trauma in the family

» are also estranged from family members

We don’t have to have a story to support the messages that come through. The knowledge is deeply rooted in our genes, epigenetics, and our systemic field.

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Topics covered in this podcast episode:

What physical issues Jess is experiencing and her intention for this session

  • How we get entangled with an ancestor or ancestors

  • How alchemical constellation work is so effective at disentangling us from the ancestor

  • How we’re able to work with estranged family members

  • Questions to ask to dive deeper into when and why physical issues manifest

  • The powerful connection between Jess, her ancestors, and land

  • The work you need to do prior to booking an alchemical constellation work session with Amy

  • What information you need to know about your lineage and ancestors for this work

  • How to best phrase things when talking with ancestors during constellation work

  • The biggest breakthrough that happens during alchemical family & systems constellation work

  • The victim-perpetrator bond Jess’ ancestor lived with and if it can be healed

  • What synchronicities Jess notices from her life with this call

When working with the systemic field, sometimes we work in the past and then the present. Other times, it’s the exact opposite. Each person’s system is unique in this way—there’s no right or wrong.

But when we just trust that the systemic field is revealing itself clearly the amount of healing that ripples backwards and forwards is astounding! May this be that reminder for you today.

If this episode resonates with you, I invite you to leave a review for the podcast on whatever platform you prefer. Until next time, take gentle care.


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Ancestral Medicine

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Meet: Jessica Betancourt

Jessica Betancourt is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapy Hypnotherapist and Holistic Health Coach.  She helps people to unravel their addictive habits and obsessive tendencies by supporting them in seeing their maladaptive behaviors as symptoms rather than diagnosis.  She believes that maladaptive behaviors are really just outdated solutions for yesterday's problems and in finding the positive intention behind the behavior and making those subconscious beliefs recognized by the conscious mind, people can find a natural and graceful ease in letting go of the lifestyle habits that no longer serve them.  She specializes in helping people heal their addictive relationships with alcohol mostly but also works with clients for screen addiction, smoking, cocaine, and sugar.  You can find her on Instagram at La Vida Salud as well as on the podcast The Mindful Drinking Movement.

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