Summer Medicine

Road Trips, Full Circle Learning, & Perimenopause

This summer has been potent for me.

A week before the official start of summer, I hosted the 2nd retreat in the Year of Quarterly Retreats series (next year it will be called the Year of More) with 11 women who are journeying together for 9 months.

My home, the Doeg land, and my soul are so filled to host these women and be in person together. 

We also celebrated my mother’s 70th birthday a few weeks early and the completion of 7th grade for our daughter at our home and throughout the DMV (DC metro region for my global readers).

We went on two family road trips to major cities and one of the Great Lakes to see family and friends and celebrate my step-mother’s 80th birthday. 

Along the way, we worked through layers as a family around my partner’s PTSD, my daughter’s fears about the world not changing with its hatred and bigotry, and intergenerational trauma that lives in my lineage that we’re dissolving in ours. We discussed the impact of poverty, racism, and classism with Indian reservations and in rural America. 

Don’t worry, it wasn’t just heavy car rides.

We swam in lakes and the ocean and laughed for hours. 
My daughter had her first slurpee at 7-11. 
She got to spend time with cousins and my friend’s sons from swimming a ½ mile around an urban lagoon to biking 30 miles around a car-less island to creating a 90s hip hop Kahoot ( a kids version of trivial pursuit). 
We had our first Buc-ee’s encounter, which felt like what it must be like to do psychedelics for road warriors.

I’m a relational being in my heart of hearts.  At this stage in my life, I’m able to let so much go and enjoy people as they are, not as I wish or fear them to be.

Perimenopause (since 2020) has been activating my crone transition. It’s been particularly rising this summer. I feel the shift of life force shifting energetically, physically, and spiritually.

I lost one of my closest friends this spring, who was unwilling to have a repair or closure conversation with me. An older version of me would have continued to make contact with this person to work it out.  Amy 6.0 can notice the complexity of our roles in the relationship and more without reacting to try and make it better or change the outcome. The crone led the way through this ending.

I’ve received many nudges to begin to offer group offerings more often and in person (stay tuned).

Back in 2016, I was guided to gather women to rise up against Trump in a nearly 50 women retreat in Virginia. 

In this season, I’m listening deeply to what we’re moving towards, not against. 

If you haven’t watched Min Jin Lee’s 5 ish minute share, be ready to allow your heart to be cracked wide open. 

I too believe: WE BELONG to EACH OTHER.
I am anti-genocide, and I want the hostages to be returned.
I cannot imagine an America where Project 25 impacts the most vulnerable among us.
I don’t want Black women and Women of color to do all of the labor to elect HARRIS.
I am for HARRIS.

I believe in the power of people and their networks to make miracles happen.
Listen to your knowing.

If you’re only leading with your mind and not making space for intuition, magical thinking may be creating complications (for better or worse).

Allow whatever season of life you’re navigating to be led by your wholeness.
Your mind is an ally, but it doesn’t have the blueprint of your Soul, wisdom, or gifts.
If you’ve tuned out your intuition, get back into your body with a somatic practice with intention.

You don’t need to hold onto the past or how you wish things would be or could be.
You cannot fully enjoy the life you’ve created if you’re ignoring part of it or you.

I stand for your Wholeness with all of your practicality, intelligence, sovereignty, and deep knowing, aliveness, gifts, and magic. 

There is another way other than being pulled out of your intrinsic flow at work, play, with yourself, or your relationships. 

Whether you’re circling different options, want help in recentering, or just know that there must be more, I’m here. 

I have a hunch you’ve been thinking about us working together.
Email me to schedule a free 20 minute call. 

Our magic native plant garden designed by Mollie Connell of Native Plant LTD.

Wherever you are, I’m sending you ease from the Doeg land I steward and our magic native plant garden.



Ways to Work with Me & Support Work for the Global Community

Somatic Coaching: 12 month coaching curated to meet you where you are and soar with support to where you’re headed.

House Therapy Coaching: 3 month coaching to magnify the good you already have in your home and demystify some of the challenges or obstacles that you’ve been facing.

I’ll be hosting a virtual embodied movement class in August.  Date & time TBD.

We’re still fundraising for the South Africa Women’s Somatic Leadership Retreat.  You can donate here.

Amy Babish, MA, LPC, ATR-BC is somatic coach and house therapist with over 20 years of expertise, as a mentor, facilitator, licensed psychotherapist, credentialed art therapist, NLP mindset practitioner, and intuitive. She guides global leaders, Fortune 20 executives, and innovators who know there MUST BE MORE to dissolve intergenerational patterns, integrate soul-level assignments, build nervous system capacity, and connect you to the practical magic of your home and land with humility, pee-your-pants laughter, and je ne sais quoi. Her social impact business values integrity, joy, aliveness, and dismantling white supremacy.

Amy offers private coaching, intensives, and curated retreats.

She lives outside of Washington, D.C. on Doeg land she stewards with her Japanese teen, alpha of alpha partners, and goldendoodle.


So you don’t own a house or plan to sell yours?!


How To Live The Life You Want