Blog | Somatics, Family & Systems Constellations, Feng Shui & Transformation - Amy Babish
Insights for Transformation & Living Fully

Home Office Feng Shui to Support Business Growth
In this episode of The Soulful Visionary podcast, Amy guides Janell through a BTB Feng Shui home therapy session centered around business growth & flow.

Life Coach Vs. Therapist
Having a background as both a life coach and licensed therapist for over 20 years, I’m excited to unpack the differences between a life coach and a therapist, and when to see each. In this time of building complexity, many people are experiencing compounding overwhelm. It can be challenging to know what kind of support to pursue. There are many misconceptions, myths, and outdated or conflicting information on both sides among professionals, clients, and google alike. My intention for this article is to clarify the differences, to be of service, and to offer no BS insights.