Home Office Feng Shui to Support Business Growth
Bringing beauty, abundance, and flow into the home.
Janell Karst is known for being BOLD. There’s this feeling around her of aliveness, decisiveness, and action!
After a recent retreat experience in Costa Rica combined with a home renovation—Janell felt called to bring in more of a beautiful flow and vibe into her office and home.
But she wanted to do it in an intentional, cohesive way that would benefit not only her and her business, but also her family and clients. Where we end up in this session is quite magical!
You’ll especially want to tune into this client session if you, too:
» recently renovated a home
» feel like career things are flowing ok
» are working on your money mindset
» live in Canada (or somewhere North)
» have a recessed front door
This client session is jam packed with tidbits and tips about working with the elements, reading an energetic map (for either a room or home), and working with “hidden in plain sight” parts of Feng Shui.
Topics covered in this podcast episode:
How to read the energetic map of a home
What to look for when working with a house therapist or Feng Shui practitioner
How long the honeymoon phase lasts once you move in to a home
The unique gifts and challenges of Janell’s home
Why it’s important to think about being in relationship with your home
What Janell can do to connect with the land she’s on to support her business
Things Janell can do to get more energy into her home office
One simple way to call in more support for your business
How to apply the bagua to a room like we do a home
How to apply Feng Shui in a “hidden in plain sight” kind of way
It’s been a pleasure having Janell on the podcast! I hope our conversation resonated with you as well.
If this episode resonates with you, I invite you to leave a review for the podcast on whatever platform you prefer. Until next time, take gentle care.
I Am the Mountain (song)
Meet: Janell Karst
Janell Karst is an Executive Coach, the facilitator of BOLD and the Author of the Badass Planner. She helps "AND" multi passionate people - not just here for one thing and they’re not just here for mediocre - people amplify their BOLDness, and make BOLD moves in their businesses and lives.
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The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Soulful Visionary Podcast follows:
Amy Babish: Have you ever felt like there's something more just waiting to be unlocked in your life? Like no matter how much you've accomplished, a deeper potential is calling. Welcome to the Soulful Visionary podcast, where I guide you to align with your authentic self and create a life of purpose, love, and lasting impact. A life where you can truly soar beyond what your mind can comprehend. I'm your host, Amy Babish, a licensed psychotherapist and an expert in somatic coaching, feng shui, and wisdom traditions. With over 20 years of experience guiding thousands of clients through soul level transformation. Each week we'll dive into potent practices, live client sessions, and insightful conversations to help you dissolve intergenerational patterns and transcend your upper limits so that you can live the big life you are meant to live. Tune in and let's unlock your inner wisdom together.
Amy Babish: Welcome in to the Soulful Visionary Podcast. I'm your host, Amy Babish, and today we have a colleague and someone who I think will become a friend over time. With me we have Janell Karst. So I'm going to read her bio and welcome her in. Then we're going to just dive right in. Janell Karst is an executive coach, the facilitator of Bold, and the author of the Badass Planner. She helps and people, and I asked her what that meant before we got on. These are multi passionates who are not just limited to one thing.
Amy Babish: They don't want mediocre. They do this and this and this and that. They're here for all of it. And she helps them to amplify their boldness and make bold moves in their businesses and lives. So welcome in Janell.
Janell Karst: Yay. Thank you so much for having me, Amy. I'm so excited to be here.
Amy Babish: It's awesome. And Janell and I also know each other to presence. We have a shared business mentor, Sam Garcia. So that's how we met each other. We met each other at the end of 2024 and it's just great to have you on the podcast. When we dive in, we always start with intention, with no matter what modality I'm using. And today we're gonna do a lot of house therapy, but some other things might come in, so. So if you can just presence, the intention you're bringing into our conversation today for the listeners.
Janell Karst: So my intention is to really create a beautiful flow and vibe and energy in my office and home. This is a perfect time to do that considering, you know, it's just been a recent renovation and I haven't unpacked boxes, and I haven't put pictures up on walls. And I just really wanted to experience this magic and be open to what's here and walk away with a sense of flow and, yeah, all the things.
Amy Babish: Amazing, amazing. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna have us go a little bit more specific. So if you're able to have more flow in your office, in your home, in your business, what would be that? What would the outcomes look like?
Janell Karst: Straight up, I want my business. I want to attract more amazing clients into the world that I am in. I want more people making bold moves. I feel this calling to spread this movement, and this is where I create. So if I can, you know, create this environment where I walk in every day and it's just like, oh, I love being here, and I love what I create here. And then, of course, that's going to amplify and ripple out to all the corners of my house and impact my husband and my daughter and the life we have together. So I'm just excited, even just sharing that. It got me so pumped.
Amy Babish: Yes. And for those of you, my podcast is only audio for this time being. Janell's personality is, like, bright, bright, bright boldness. She's wearing a royal blue, like, shirt, sweater, and her energy field is just quite big. So when she says bold, she really lives it and means it. So when we do house therapy, I have a really thorough form for guests to fill out before they come to me. And so the first thing I look at is either the hand drawing or the blueprint of the home. And Janell is kind enough to provide the blueprint.
Amy Babish: So before we even get into what the house looks like or some of the opportunities and challenges that will support these goals, first we have the blueprint or the hand drawing of your home. And so I'm going to ask some questions to kind of help us to know how to read the energetic layout of the home. Because with your home, you have an extended garage. It's. It goes beyond your front door. And so the bulk of the house is behind the front door going backwards. And your home is kind of, you know, a square from that point back on. So there's a particular way of me helping you to discern, like, what.
Amy Babish: What might be contributing to some things. And so it might be that you have, like, bonus area in your garage. So we could read your house as a square. As it is, when we look at reading the energetic map or the bagua of the house, we are looking at kind of what might be missing, what was all contained or what is an addition. So the other way of reading your house is that that front door section, which is not under the roof line and is missing. So, and we're going to, we're going to, we're going to suss out what the best way to read your home is. And so for listening, for those listening, this is where like someone who is a house therapist or feng shui expert can really give a nuanced view rather than kind of just flippantly being like, oh, it's this, it's that I have to really speak with Janell to find out what's going on in her life and her family's life and her business's life. Because the other factor with this is that Janell's office in her home is like right inside of the front door.
Amy Babish: And that's going to help me to read her office on a further layer, in a deeper layer. So if, if this is something that your garage is like a bonus area, we're going to talk about that first. So reading your house, we always read the front door is the front line of the energetic map. And so that would place your garage into the energetic places of career and life journey. And then to the right of that, in the right corner, right below your daughter's room is travel and helpful people. And so I know you're just getting back from a trip and tell me about like, in terms of like all of the family members, you, your business, your life, do you feel like you're getting like bonus. These are awesome opportunities in those two kind of categories of your lives.
Janell Karst: Well, considering I just got back from a life changing bucket list trip to Costa Rica like a week ago. Yes, yes, yes, yes. That was absolutely amazing. In terms of travel and adventure, my family is definitely, we go on a lot of adventures and we live in Vancouver island in Canada and every, every moment is an adventure because we are surrounded by old growth forests and rainforests. So like, in terms of adventure and fun, like just a daily walk feels like that. And what was the other category? Career in life.
Amy Babish: So the, the other part of that is we call them helpful people or benefactors seen and unseen. So do you feel like you and your family, your business, your daughter, your husband's life, do you feel like you're fully supported?
Janell Karst: I mean, we could always use more support and guides.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Janell Karst: But I would say that, you know, just in our nuclear family and extended family, we are very blessed with next to us that are always helping and supporting us. And Jesse and I, my Husband. You know, we try to be good human beings and, you know, treat people the way that we'd like to be treated, but we definitely shoulder a lot of the world on our own, and we handle our own affairs.
Amy Babish: Okay, so we're gonna just put a question mark in there. So that's. That's the far right corner, those two aspects, and then the next part, which is the middle. So that'd be the other side of your garage. Is career, like, any career opportunities, like, things like, feeling like. Like the career opportunities are just like, over abundant. Like, everything is like, bananas great. And life journey.
Amy Babish: So, like, I feel like my life is unfolding like as it should and like, with alignment and like, it feels really like this is the path I'm on the path. Like, I know my purpose. Like, that's that. That's that field.
Janell Karst: I just got goosebumps all over my body. So when I talk about life journey, yes. I feel like the ground is, believe me. And I have no idea where I'm going, but I have a knowing inside that I'm in the right place and the right time. From a career opportunity standpoint, I don't know if it's flowing. My husband probably would say the same. Like, that's a kind of a thing that we're both like, huh? Yeah, I'll leave it that.
Amy Babish: Okay. Yeah. And like, with your. Another layers to think about. It's a little bit different for kids, but for your daughter, like, is school flowing? Is friendship flowing? Like, that's kind of like, not like any major, like, educational or developmental delays. Like, nothing like that. Like, it's inflow for her too.
Janell Karst: I feel like she is truly thriving. She's the most amazing human, the love of our life, and just witnessing her step into it. She's nine, and this is coming into a time of life where things are icky and she's getting big feelings and. But when I see her with her friends and just like exploring life, I'm just like, witnessing so much specialness. So I. I would like to continue to create that flow for her. And we redid her room too, where she got to do her own little things. And she has a.
Janell Karst: A little nook where it's a meditation reading nook. She's nine. Like, how amazing is that? All blankets. And if I can't find her, she's in her nook. And I'm like, wow, how cool is that?
Amy Babish: So this is where it gets even more nuanced. So your daughter's room, if we read it as this area is Omitted in the front. Right. She is in the children and creativity like energetic spot of your home. Her room is. And so if, if, if it kind of changes, she's kind of halfway in and halfway out of another. If we read the, the whole map differently. So I'm going to talk about the front door area.
Amy Babish: So if the front door area is missing, you're going to know, you're going to know it when I, when I name what it's about. So this area is wisdom and self knowledge. So it's the ability to really know ourselves deeply and to really have a sense of when I want to learn something. I call in like aligned mentors. I have the support of like being able to learn new skills, take things on. And so to think about both you, your husband and your daughter, does that feel like it's in full like flourishing alignment there?
Janell Karst: A hundred percent.
Amy Babish: Okay. Okay.
Janell Karst: Yeah. We, we are all flourishing and learning and growing all the time and we love it.
Amy Babish: Okay. Amazing. So this confirms that it is a bonus area. Your garage is a bonus area. So when we look at your hand drawing of your home, we take that square and we tic tac toe it into nine spots and that's called the bagua. So you have bonus areas and career and life journey and then bonus areas and travel and helpful people. So that places your office into wisdom and self knowledge. So that's a, that's a powerful place for an office.
Amy Babish: So, so when before we even get into your front door, we had to kind of had to clarify what was going on with the energy energy of your home that will help our conversation. You have a blue, a beautiful blue front door which is absolutely like it's when we're working with Shui, the energy of outside our home that's really important. So we're going to get into that a little bit. But then also you have what's, what's called a recessed front door. And so some people who have a recessed front door just use like a neutral tone and you, you choosing a really vibrant blue helps the energy like the flow of life to be like, oh, I want to come check out this front door. I want to come to this house. So excellent like intuitive knowledge around that you have, you live in the woods, you live, you live in the great North. You have some things that are, I know probably necessary for the great north winters, like looks like snow equipment out there.
Amy Babish: Part of it is anything that is in our front yard. And your front yard for you includes your driveway. Those pieces are like this is our Present day energy that we're bringing into the home. So when we have different things, kind of like it's not that it's clutter, but we have different things that are like absorbing the energy before it comes into the front door. It might just be that, like, maybe in the off season you find a way to bring them to your garage. So that way there's more, more available energy in your front yard coming through your front door. So that's, it's not like a major thing, but that's a potential area of, like, if we're not getting enough flow in, those things might need to be like, rearranged. And the other question I have, I did get this from you beforehand.
Amy Babish: How long have you lived in the home?
Janell Karst: About eight years.
Amy Babish: Okay. So when we, like, just like anything our homes are, we're having, we're cultivating a relationship with them with house therapy. And so when you meet someone new, partner, friendship, you take a new job, there's always going to be a honeymoon period. So you and your family are past the honeymoon phase with your home. So you can think about, like, to kind of get the flavor of your home. When you moved into this home. Every home has gifts and every home has challenges. And so what changed dramatically within the first two years? Those are usually things like, my life was never like this before for the better or for the worse.
Amy Babish: Like, it can be anything from health to wealth to, you know, birthing children to birthing a business. So those are kind of things that just like every relationship has gifts and challenges, Every home has gifts and challenges. So when, when we, when we start to feel into, like, your business, what's going on with it, These are some layers that we, we start to pepper in. So when we come into your front door, you already have a front door mat, which is wonderful. It'd be great if you could put a front door mat. I couldn't really tell from the picture. Do you have a front door mat before you come in the home?
Janell Karst: I don't know. I think so.
Amy Babish: I couldn't, I couldn't tell. Like, you gave me a lot of great pictures, but sometimes I have to ask for, like, multiple pictures. We're on the podcast, we're just kind of giving the CliffsNotes version of this. If you don't have a, have a front door mat, add a front door mat. And then also if you're able to add, they don't have to be big, but add plants to flank the front door so you can buy something that's like winter friendly. Because you're in the Great North. It doesn't have to be something that's like very fragile. And then if you're able to also add some like genealify the front door.
Amy Babish: So if it's a wreath or if it's swag, like you want to think about it as like energy is like trick or treaters. It's like, why would I want to come to your home? Why would I make the pix dot and so the more we entice the energy through the front yard, through the front door, it's like more, more readily able to come into your house. So with, with Shui, some people get really confused that it's like I have to have the perfect remedies inside of the house when before we even get in the house, we have to make sure that the energy is like, I want to choose this house, I want to come in here. I feel welcomed. And your energy is very welcoming and we want to make sure your house feels like it's a part of the process. Another part of Shui is that we find out our house's name. So it's something where you can ask the whole family. So you know, my daughter's very intuitive.
Amy Babish: She's a little bit older than your daughter, but my daughter's always been intuitive. So you can ask your daughter and everyone can kind of find, find out like what's the house's name? And sometimes our house has a double name like Cheyenne Louise. Like, you know, it's, it's, it's whatever, whatever, whatever it's going to be. So don't question it. And you're going to start to incorporate your home into being a family member with you.
Janell Karst: Oh, I love that idea.
Amy Babish: It's a partner in co creation. So that's, that's a big part of house therapy. The other part of house therapy is starting to really partner with the land. And I feel because you love Vancouver island so much, like you're really into nature, learning the indigenous wisdom keepers of the land, learning who those people are right now, like we call it past, present and emerging wisdom keepers to really acknowledge that you are stewarding this land. And I know Canada does a much better job than we do here in America around partnering with first nations people and organizations. So you might. I. I can sense intuitively that there might be something really deep for you in your home and for your business around exploring that partnership.
Janell Karst: Thank you.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah. So I can feel, and I've never been to Vancouver island, but I know it's a very magical place. So I've been to Vancouver, but I know Vancouver island is like so, like just magical. So I can feel when you really like have that deeper contact with the first nations people, I think it's going to really start to support something to unfold in a different way for you and your family and your business.
Janell Karst: Amazing. And also, when I moved to Victoria, which is where I live, I was hearing about this kind of underground kind of energy vortex that resides in, in this area. And when I heard that that was me 15 years ago, I was like, that is ridiculous. And now I'm like, tell me more about this. Right?
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. So I think that you're on. What I would probably intuit is like you're probably on some very sacred land. And so finding out the history of the land and finding out the history of the people who attended to the land really can be really making like the whole of what maybe has you're not been able to put your finger on. Like, that can be a way to kind of incorporate something into the whole, it's whole, its wholeness, which feels really important. And then also knowing that your business is called bold and you want people to live more boldly, having them like tap into their power source, that you are tapped into a deep power source, you live on a deep power source, is probably supporting your business in quite a deep way. So even before we get into the office, I think just naming those things is really important.
Amy Babish: And then another layer is like when we open the front door, that's kind of like the feeling of what's happening with the energy and like the movement. And so your office is right to the left of the front door. And so when you open the front door in your video, which is wonderful, you have two challenges that might be impacting energy coming into your office. So we're gonna talk about that. So the first one, a lot of people have, which is like when you open the front door, you see a big window or big signing glass doors. And so we call that rushing chi. So chi energy is just like bright and shiny happy things. It's like, oh, I see all that green, you know, that beautiful greenery outside there.
Amy Babish: Even if it was a big blue sky, whatever it is, the chi is like, oh, let me get to what's really alive. So the chi is innately wanting to kind of go through. And so what that sometimes looks like is that opportunities like come in, they feel good, and then they just like kind of go off. And I saw that you have the deck, and the deck is high up. So I don't know what your backyard is like. I saw the. The older trees back there.
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: What happens in the back line of your property?
Janell Karst: So it's really like, we have a fence with a smaller yard, so. And we have beautiful beds and flowers that we plant down there, but we don't actually spend much time down there because you have to go down the stairs. And then the land that we actually own is quite a bit further, but it's unusable. We call it the back 40, and it's just trees, which is why we bought, because we live in a subdivision. But you wouldn't know it. When we sit on our deck or in our hot tub or lay in our bed, all we see is greenery and trees, which is. We love that. Right?
Amy Babish: Okay, now we're starting to get spicy. So I said the front yard is present day. The backyard is the future, represents future opportunities. So trees are considered guardians. So you have a lot of potential there. And having more contact will also support those future opportunities, like, kind of being brought back in. So it's not that you have to go down through your deck, especially in the winter every day, but even in a meditative space, if you start to make contact with the fullness of those acres. And it's.
Amy Babish: It's kind of like if a trick or treater is running down your house and they see it, they have to go all the way downstairs to get. Get to the candy. They're like, nah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna back. Back out. So one of the practices that you can do is starting to energetically and spiritually ask the land if it can kind of rise up to meet. To meet your home energetically or kind of. You can.
Amy Babish: You can. Kids are great at this. You can ask your daughter to see if she can tune into the land and ask the land, what does the land want to do in terms of, like, is it like a wide, like, water slide where it brings it up, like, on an angle, or, like, shoots and ladder kind of style? So it can be whatever imaginal way of imagining the land being raised up. But we want that energy not dropping off from your second. From your main floor, because it's like things come in and then things go out. So that. That's a. And you've been there for eight years, so it.
Amy Babish: I know you a little bit. It doesn't sound like it's happening for you, but. And you don't have to disclose about your husband, but I'm. I'm wondering if. If he's had those kind of experiences where something comes in, it's going one way, it's some time, but then over a period of time, it just drops off.
Janell Karst: Yeah, I'm not sure if he would say that, but it's kind of interesting because he's the one that's back there all the time, creating, planting the bulbs, doing all the things, and he'll be like, please come down here and hang out with us. And he's created this beautiful, like, in the summer, it's tropical plants. There's a water fountain up there. He's built this beautiful couch. So I don't have any reason to go down because he's built me this oasis. So he's down on the bottom being like, please, someone come down here.
Amy Babish: So. So he. He has a deep relationship. And beautifying the land and, like, tending to it that way is like, such a way to have. It's like putting savings into the bank. It's like you were. You're banking, like, banking a lot of good gratitude, a lot of good, like, blessings with your land. So this into your future lives.
Amy Babish: So that's amazing. That's absolutely. Okay. The other one is that in the middle, between the front door and that glass door, you have a stairwell that goes down.
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And so when. Just like a trick we got, we're gonna think, like, trick or treater is the easiest way to explain energy. It's like the trick or treater comes in. It's like, which way do I go? Do I go out the front door or do I want to go downstairs? I don't know what's downstairs. I don't know if I want to go down there, but I'm gonna go down there. Like trick or treaters. Energy. Also, another way to think about energy is water.
Amy Babish: So water always seeks its lowest point. And so along that stairwell, it's. We want to have an opportunity for the energy to keep coming back upstairs. So that might look like. Like putting twinkle lights along those stairwells. That would be an easy. Like, that would be a way. Like, light is a way to entice energy, or chi.
Amy Babish: That would be everything you do that I recommend is always going to be done with intention. And so you're asking the energy that's maybe been stagnating downstairs, and you have a child. Not likely. It's stagnating so much. But, like, energy just does. When we don't. We're not conscious of everything. We want to ask that energy to be lifted and keep on coming upstairs and circulating on the first Floor and up to the loft.
Amy Babish: Okay. With your sliding glass door, I have a remedy that I will email you that's kind of. We keep the esoteric ones outside the podcast to respect the wisdom of Taoism and Feng shui. But I will email you that remedy. Another thing that you can do is there's a lot of transcendental cures and remedies in shui. And so one that would be really good for your home is it's a Swarovski crystal, and it looks like a teardrop. And I can show you visually, I have a smaller one here, and I will make sure that for those listening, it will be in the show notes. I don't have any affiliate things or anything like that.
Amy Babish: It's just an easy place to find them. So it basically looks like a crystal, a multifaceted crystal that has a teardrop shape and it has holes in it. So this has a way of. You can. You can disperse energy and light. And so energy and light will flow more throughout your home and with your business. That will be super helpful. And it's, it's like a way for the energy to kind of hit.
Amy Babish: Hit something in the middle of the house that it's not going to go right downstairs, and it's also not going to go right out the door. So we give a choice point. And so I would recommend making an X over that main part of your home. So not with the garage line, just the main base of your home. And that's how you can see the center of your home. I would hang it in the center of your home. And for your home, I would say either a 30 or 40 millimeter crystal. And in the States here, Etsy is a great place.
Amy Babish: I don't know Canadian options as much, but if you just type in 30-40 ML millimeter Swarovski crystal, you'll find it. And then the other part of the remedy is that you. You get kind of like red silken thread that people use to make friendship bracelets. I would like point 8.08. So it's very thin. You want to hang it in an increment of nine, so it can be nine inches, nine millimeters, so that the tallest person in the house will not hit their head. Okay. When you, when you hang it, you're anchoring.
Amy Babish: And like, I want all of this good energy that's in our home. I want the home to spread it, and energetically or transcendentally spread that throughout our home, our lives and my business and the land. So we kind of go through all the layers, and I think that's going to help. That's going to help the business. So we'll move on to your business. So with your business again, like, I'm sure your daughter, Your daughter, after a while, maybe she did this before, maybe she'll do it a little bit. Kids are great at knowing how to get energy into their room. Oftentimes it's like, this is, you know, Sasha's room.
Amy Babish: Like, kids know, like, either don't come in, this is only for Sasha, or, you know, it's like very, very directive. And so for your office, the first thing I'm going to recommend is that you have something on your door that entices the energy to come in. So it could be artwork. It could be the bold office. Like it. I'm not here to tell you how to live your life, you or your business. Like, these are just like, we want to really make it personal. So that's the first way we're going to get energy in the door.
Amy Babish: That feels really important because your home is, like, very. Your personality is super bold, but your home is very neutral other than like these pops of blue. So we want to, we want to. We're going to. We're going to turn up the Janells in your office. So when we come into the office, we did a little bit of Shui last year, so we're going to continue that choice conversation in this podcast. So where your bookshelf is right behind you, that's where I'm going to recommend that your desk goes. So you're going to swap those two.
Amy Babish: And I think that there's enough room. So the bookshelf is going to be a little bit closer to the front of the desk. But you want to have the desk facing the door. That's command in that position.
Janell Karst: Okay. So with the bookshelf be removed or still be there, so it would, it.
Amy Babish: Would come to where you are. So we would just like, we would swap the positions of the bookshelf and the desk.
Janell Karst: Okay. So my bookshelf used to be on this wall.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Janell Karst: And so I'll push this back there and I'll move my desk and chair back so that I'm against the wall.
Amy Babish: Yeah, so your, Your, your. Your back is going to be against. Your chair is going to be like, kind of like mine. So my chair is here, the wall is behind me, and I'm looking out towards the door.
Janell Karst: Okay, got it. Yeah.
Amy Babish: So you don't want to face. You don't. You don't Want to face the wall? Cause that is like, then I'm up against the wall. Like I'm.
Janell Karst: Yeah, I don't want that.
Amy Babish: Yeah, I'm hitting dead. Dead end opportunities.
Janell Karst: Yeah, that's like the opposite of what we want.
Amy Babish: Yes, yes. And before we put your desk on a diagonal and that's advanced way. So you always know about that, that, that resource. But right now it doesn't sound like you need that. But we could talk about that too if you need.
Janell Karst: Okay. Yay.
Amy Babish: Okay, so the next one is behind you. It can either be like on the wall and we can talk about your aesthetic. But behind us. We always want to have a mountain of support. And with the position of your office, you're in the wisdom and self knowledge bagua or gua of the bagua. And there's always going to be an element associated and a metaphor that's related to the I Ching gets a little bit complex. But the like the energetic essence of this wisdom and self knowledge is the still mountain. And so you think about like really like majestic mountain.
Amy Babish: And I know that you love to travel, I know that you're by a lot of mountains. You can get a mountain that you love and place it behind you. Like that would be a really beautiful way. And you're calling in a mountain of support. And so that mountain is like I'm calling it for me, my business, for all the women who are, all the people who connect to me with Bold, all the and people, all the multi passionates, all the people who would benefit from working with me. And like I call in that support, like I'm calling in that I feel fully feel supported. And so this, this is. I did let Janell know that I did pull some cards before we started working today.
Amy Babish: And so one of the things I have a question about is I knew before you had a full time job.
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Where are you at? And are able to talk about that in the podcast.
Janell Karst: I. Yeah. I've been with my corporate career for 14, going on 15 years and it's been an amuse. Speaking about a mountain, I've climbed this beautiful mountain and it's been an amazing experience and I feel a deeper calling for different types of value that I want to bring to the world. And this being the year of the snake and a nine year, like I'm sort of just opening and I'm like, hey, I'm feeling that maybe this is the year for me to transform or to shed some skin or to close some doors. I don't know what that looks like, but I'm here for it. So.
Amy Babish: So the first. The first car I pulled for you was the death card. And, oh, my God, you and your business. And I was like, what? What? What. What is your soul and what is your business asking me to support you with? And so, you know, the death card scares some people, but it's like I asked, like, what specifically is it about? And so I pulled three cards for you. So the second card I pulled was the three of swords. And so the three of swords is really about, like, our hands being tied or like, I thought this thing was going to go one way, but it's not. And like.
Amy Babish: Or like, I'm. I'm not fully committing to one thing. I'm kind of in between two things that can be. Especially with our thoughts. It, like, might not be playing out yet in real life, but it's like, the way I think about this, I'm in a double bind, and I'm bound by what I believe is possible. Yeah. So what happens is I share those two cards.
Janell Karst: Well, I'm just covered in goosebumps, for one. My body is responding, and I'm listening to that way more than I used to. Before, I'd be like, wow, is that so cold in here? And now I'm like, hey. And I'm really naming it, and I might not know what it means, but get it over and over again. Then I'm starting to be like, oh, so the death card, I mean, it was not surprised to see that. I mean, the snake shedding. Like, I've been getting, like, visions of. And it's scary, and it's exciting.
Janell Karst: You've been doing things for so long that you just assume that's, like, what you're supposed to be doing. And if I was coaching a client right now about this, I know what I would say and the questions I'd ask. But it's funny when it's you. You're like, oh, but this is safe, you know, And I have value, and I'm so good at it, you know, so it's like, it's not uncomfortable, so. And, like, what's the point of changing? What's. What's the point of rocking the boat? But there's just this deeper calling I have inside of me that's simmering, and so that's where I'm at. The bind. I mean, immediately I was like, the.
Janell Karst: The golden handcuffs, right?
Amy Babish: Yes. Yes.
Janell Karst: It's hard to walk away from the security that you've built and the reputation that you built for the unknown.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. This Card the three of swords is also about like taking a calculated risk. So it's not about like haphazardly just being like, I feel these goosebumps, I feel the sick. It's like you're a very thoughtful and like organized and mindful and logical person in your other job, your other career. So it's like you don't have to only let that live in the career itself. But it's like I'm going to bring that mindfulness of like, what would it take? What would the numbers look like? Like what would, what would you know to use a Sam phrase, like what would my business ecosystem need to look like to have the interest and the kind of the flow of people coming into my community to be able to like safely and securely make the transition. And so knowing that you're in wisdom and self knowledge and that gua for your business, it's like, what do I need to know? What do I need to learn around like whatever it is find like what, what, what I'm hearing is like financial investments.
Amy Babish: So could I, could I get out of the money hours trade and could I start to make an investment account where that money can accrue? I don't know all the, all the financial rules in, in Canada, so I can't speak to that. But like how could it be possible in a way that's I've never thought about before to leave one job or make a Runway, like a long Runway, to then fully leave to create this other career fully, like to fully be in it.
Janell Karst: You know, it's so interesting you mentioned that because part of my reset and like, what do I really want this year? I had a call with a guide of mine yesterday and right away I was like mastery of my money. Not just making it, but then having it like swirl like my word for last year was magnetic and this year is to amplify. And so I'm like, I feel like what do I need to learn? Like that is like what's come up for me right now is I want to be a master of this flow of money and then have it just go to work and love working for us and our family, you know?
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah, totally. One of my peers, another peer from Sam's group, her name is Erin west and she was an attorney and she teaches women how to day trade and she takes it out of the masculine like bro paradigm and really teaches from a somatic nervous system place of like, how do I safely learn how to day trade in a way that I can do it in any Way, like whatever my investment is, if it's 20 a week, if it's $80 a week, if it's more than that, like that I can have really safe place to stop. Like when I know I need to stop and not overgo my bounds. And like she is, I don't know how long her course is. It might be eight modules or I don't want to misspeak. But if you, if you're curious about that, that comes through really clearly for that might be a way to have more agency and autonomy about your financial flow. And she talks about magic money, like the magic of money in a way that is very different than many other kind of money courses.
Amy Babish: And I think really empowering, important for women who have not been let into the golf courses, who have not been let into the boardroom conversations about this. So that's probably for you and many people who are listening and when we're in the wisdom and self knowledge squat, we just really start to be like, I want that mountain of support that I feel supported and understand how that money is. My like, money's like not the Sherpa money isn't even like the backpack. Like, money is with me and the mountain is what supports me. What's behind me supports me.
Janell Karst: So good.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah.
Janell Karst: Interestingly enough, bold attracted a new member and she is, does this, you know, her financial freedom and she talks about this and I'm always so curious and I'm like, wow, that's so cool. And then I keep going for time money, time money. I'm like, wow, wouldn't that be awesome? So cool. I want to be cool too.
Amy Babish: Yeah. I want, I want to have that safety and security that we have been programmed to believe only happens through time money. And it's not that, that's not true, but it's not the only way.
Janell Karst: Yeah, interesting. I do a monthly topic for Bold members and March is the money month. And when I share, you know, you learn and you do the things and then you share it with others. And as I was telling the group what was coming and I'm pushing them to create a new source of revenue in March. So I'm giving them a heads up and planting the seeds and that we're going to talk about mindset about money. And I got so excited about that and I just feel like this magic March money, I think that that's going to be a really cool thing for me, but also to share with the group. I mean, making bold moves and money, they go hand in hand.
Amy Babish: I think they go Hand in hand. So another thing you can do in your office is you have the beautiful, kind of the muse of your business. So when, when you're in. If we imagine that we can make like a mini, mini bagua in your office. So when you open the. The door of your office, that becomes its own, like micro bagua for you. So when we open, when we open the door, the front right, which is kind of where the closet is. My recommendation that that can be the area where you don't want to put her in the closet.
Amy Babish: But energetically, you could have things in the closet that are really about like, helpful people. That's the far right corner. Helpful people. So I'm. I'm calling in the helpful people for me that really understand the magic of money. For me, for. For all the people who are past, present and future emerging from. For bold and for my family and for.
Amy Babish: And for our. Like, what is, what is it here? I'm really to find deep trust with. That's the missing piece for me, with money. Because it's not money itself is never. It's. It's money is never money. It's just like a proxy for other things in people's systems. So whatever that is, you can start to ask for help to.
Amy Babish: To dismantle that, to dissolve it, to integrate it, to bring it to more wholeness. And that's a place in your office that you can do that just on your own rather than like. It doesn't always have to be out in the open. Which way it can be hidden in plain sight. So with. With your, your muse, you can have her. I don't know if there's any wall space on the right, but anywhere on the right.
Janell Karst: I was just gonna say, like, when the door opens on this wall, there's a spot for a painting, which, I mean, I could easily swap her over there. She's right here. And I could put her right there.
Amy Babish: Yeah, that would be great.
Janell Karst: This way instead of this way. Is that. Does it matter?
Amy Babish: That's okay. As long as you don't feel like she's looking out the door.
Janell Karst: No, she's like looking at me.
Amy Babish: Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, that's perfect.
Janell Karst: But she would be looking out the window.
Amy Babish: That's okay. You just. You just say help to bring the attention into the office. The attention into the office.
Janell Karst: Okay.
Amy Babish: And so in front of you, you wanna. You wanna get some artwork that is anchors in your goals. So you talk about amplification. You talk about, you know, wanting to grow the Grow their business, wanting to Grow, have more bold people in community. So you get to choose whatever that is. And the great thing about twice, it's not about how much money you spend. It's like, this is like, when we come into your office, we want to say, like, I see bold. I see Janell all over this place.
Amy Babish: And so whatever that is, like, we're anchoring in. Into your unconscious with the energy of your office, that this is what we're inviting in. This is the future. And in the office, that's the career life journey place. So it will be right over top.
Janell Karst: Your bookshelf used to have right behind me was what I call my it's happening wall.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Janell Karst: It was a huge wall of pictures and things. And I put things that I used to really, really, really want that now I've achieved. And then I had the future. And then in the fall, I went through this, like, oh, my God, I gotta burn it all down. I just felt this urge and I took everything down. I went through my office. There was cords mangled everywhere. And I was like, I cannot.
Janell Karst: I was suffocating. And this is now this, the clean slate that we're going to build from. But it used to be over there. So now moving it over there makes sense. Above the books. K. Yeah.
Amy Babish: And so. And you can see it when you're at your desk.
Janell Karst: Yeah. Always be reminding of it.
Amy Babish: Yeah. It's like, oh, this. This is what I'm about. This is where I'm headed. This is what I'm welcoming in. This is what I'm inviting in with your office itself. When we. When we feel into, like, the energy that you want to invite in your office.
Amy Babish: It looks like zoom can be a little bit. A little bit off. Is it like a muted light blue? Light gray, yeah.
Janell Karst: And I have a can of paint that I wanted to paint this back wall. It's such a beautiful color. But I held off until our meeting.
Amy Babish: So tell me about the color, because it's like, I'm sure it's a generic.
Janell Karst: I'll show you. Yeah.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Janell Karst: So it's like, I don't know if you can see on the side of the can.
Amy Babish: It's. It's gray.
Janell Karst: It's a gray kind of purple. It's called Juniper berry.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Janell Karst: And my soul sister had it in her bathroom, and I went in there and it just felt so luxurious. And like, I was like, this feels so good. And I started to imagine the magnetic gold swirl of bold and all this stuff. And she's like, well, I have an extra can that would you can have. And I was like, really? And so it's been sitting there.
Amy Babish: So it's most important that you're a 10 out of 10 with it always and forever. That's what's most important. So that kind of color, when I read it, it reads. It reads as a metal color. So we look at five element theory as a part of shui. And so we know that we're in the energetic part of the home that is earth, mountain is earth, and mountain is like, there's different kinds of earth. It's the most, like, it's like super solid kind of earth. And so when metal comes from, metal drains earth because.
Janell Karst: Oh.
Amy Babish: So we. We can think about like, that might be. It might feel too earthy for you. So that's might intuitively be why you want a metal color there. Your house also kind of has like a metal y feel all over. Yeah. And so when. When we.
Amy Babish: We want the five elements to be expressed in your office. And so you have a plant that's another earth, but it's a vertical plant, so that's wood. So wood would. It also takes from earth, because trees. Plants break through the earth. So that's another place. The color that I don't see the most, which is also. Which is in the woman, is fire.
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Because you. You have so much fire, Janell. Like, you are. You are on fire. Bold is like a fiery kind of feeling. And so it doesn't mean you have to have red, but you might have like a candle out on your desk. Because I can feel that your personality needs fire. Like, I can feel that fire would feed.
Amy Babish: Your personality would also feed the business. And fire creates earth. So the ash is what creates the earth. Um, and then water is blue. And you have. You wear blue. I see the blue vase. You have the blue pot.
Amy Babish: So the water, the water feeling is covered. The flooring is. Is like, it has a couple different elements of gray. And it's like a long, narrow slats. So that long, narrow slats are always wood. And then you have two, like the wood, the bookcase and then the shelf. Those are also wood. So we're kind of feeling there's a lot of wood dominance.
Amy Babish: There's a lot of earth dominance, and there's a lot of water dominance. So we always want to kind of look into. And there's metal dominance. So fire is the missing element in your. In your space. So gold is that metallic feeling, is metal. But if gold is made into like a flamey feeling, it becomes both. So it's not Just color.
Amy Babish: It's not just shape. It's like, the symbolism of it. Your rug is white and gray. That's a metal feeling, and it's a rectangle. So that's a wood shape. So we're looking at always balancing it, because when we balance the elements, we can also balance the energy. And knowing that you're in the middle of something that wants to end, something that wants to die in your old way of being, it's like, how can we make this as supportive also for you in your business? That it's not like, it's not too risky. It's really thoughtful.
Amy Babish: You're getting the skills. Like that. That feeling of, like, how do I start something new? Anything? Anytime we start something new, we start with the fire element. Fires is the beginning of the alchemical process. And so I have a process of lighting a candle. Anytime I start something, like with a podcast episode or when I have my group cohorts, I invite everyone to bring a candle. So we're sharing the hearth, we're sharing the flame, that alchemical flame together when people for generations have gathered around the fire to really come together as people. And so as you're like, I'm bringing this part of myself, I'm shedding the skin.
Amy Babish: Snakes, wild animals also represent the fire element. Even though it's the wood snake year. Like, wild, wild animals, like, even faux furs, that's always the fire element. So bringing in. So it could be like a throw you have that is a faux. A faux fur kind of vibe. But just using a candle is a very simple way of inviting that alchemy in every day.
Janell Karst: Okay. That feels is a placeholder. My husband just didn't want me to have my chair on the brand new floors.
Amy Babish: Yes, I. I hear you, I hear you.
Janell Karst: And so I'm open to ideas because I'm actively going to be looking for items to, you know, following this call. So what would you suggest?
Amy Babish: So what comes to mind, because your personality is so bold is to get, like, either a foe, a faux, faux fur rug, or. Or I'm a huge fan of flock teeth. I'm not sure if I'm saying right, but they're Greek rugs that are from sheep, and they're really, like. They feel great to, like, put your feet on to keep the floor warm. Even though I'm not in Canada, it gets really cold here. That would be a beautiful thing. If that is not your vibe, you could do a round rug would really bring the energy and circulate it around. Like, the energy comes in and it still stays in.
Amy Babish: That would be a really nice feature to have in your office. And the round rug, I would say to bring in, like, I would look at your. At your picture, your muse, because that feels like you. That feels like it's a future self from another dimension. Or it's like your wise woman. Like, it feels like it's you. And so echoing those colors into a rug. Like, you can find really beautiful rugs, like with Safaya, things that are really accessible price wise, that have, like beautiful patterns, beautiful textures that would also bring a lot of life on the bottom.
Amy Babish: So it's like that kind of creative, fiery energy underneath. You would also nourish the earth element in your office. So that would be really.
Janell Karst: I'm loving that. So I need a mountain picture. I love the mountains. When I go in the mountains, I can breathe, like, it's just like so good. And then bringing this colors, like, she has swirls, purple and hot pink, which is like my favorite color. And like the oranges and the reds. You know what's funny is I got hypnotized to quit smoking about six years ago. And randomly in the middle of the conversation, I thought she was quite the loon at the time.
Janell Karst: I'm like, what is she even talking about? And she kept bringing up the color red every time you see the color red. And I've resisted the color red my whole life. And I don't. There's a couple of reasons why, but it just keeps coming up. And then any time I wear red or this thing, everyone just is like, wow. And I'm like, oh, my God, get it off me right now. So it's just interesting that this has come up so many times, this color of red or this idea of fire and how resistant I am to it.
Amy Babish: So that's something like you can, you can, in this part of your home, you can say, help me to understand what, what the spiritual cause or the ancestral cause or the deeper roots of why I struggle with red. I'm ready to start working through it. I love that, like, lead me to the mentor, lead me to the guide, lead me to, like, what I need. Like, maybe the land has something for you with it. Like, because anytime we omit anything, we're not in the wholeness. So it doesn't mean you have to be like BFFs with red or wear it all the time, but just to be in right relationship with it. That would be something I think would be really supportive for your business.
Janell Karst: Yeah. You know, like, when we talked before you said like the nine candles and stuff. So I went and got them and I set them all up and I haven't actually brought them back in. They're up in my daughter's closet. Why are they even there? You know?
Amy Babish: Yeah. So that could be part of it is to do that, the nine candle cure. And just like, this is what I want to. I want to bring on like whatever your revenues goals are, whatever your, like the number of people you want in your ecosystem. Like, I'm ready to ignite that and I'm ready to also be in right relationship with whatever red is about for me. I want to heal that, I want to integrate it, I want to alchemize it. Whatever word feels resonant.
Janell Karst: Okay, awesome. And so going back to your suggestion about the metal paint. So are you thinking that. No, I shouldn't do that. I know you're not going to tell me what to do, but would you recommend something different if you were to be recommending so you.
Amy Babish: So when you think about bold, it's like you really felt resonant with it. So that's. That is the most important piece. If you ever feel like you feel too drained, like I'm feeling like I can't make sense of this office. Feels great. That's the first thing I would look at is like, so we don't know until we try it. So it's like you'll probably feel the effects within 27 days. And if it's.
Amy Babish: It could be that it's no, like, it's. It's really resonant with you. That's what's most important. Like you, you read all this BS about like good and bad things, like good and bad feng shui, that's all like fear mongering. So there are not any good or bad colors. It's all subjective. Like, what is your system aligned with? What does your system resonate with? And so you could, you could do a swatch like on a poster board where you just put it behind. Like you move the desk, you do the other things.
Amy Babish: Yeah, you put it behind you and you feel like looking at yourself on zoom is a good example of like that would be. Probably take most of the background up. And so you just sit with that. Like, how does that feel to my system? Do I feel like this is the color of my dreams? Like I want the whole wall like this or does it feel like, oh, it feels a little bit different than I thought. Like in the bathroom it's one feeling, but over here it's a different Feeling so you'll get a better sense with. With the. With the experience of the still mountain. Another.
Amy Babish: Another idea that comes through for you. And I have a question about the mirror. Is the mirror attached to the wall?
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Okay. So one of the things that we look at is that mirrors double what they. What's in their view. So the. The mirror doubles the door.
Janell Karst: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So that's not a bad thing. But my thought for you, because it is, like, very bold. Like, it's like a Janell boldness that I felt is for you to get either wallpaper or paint a mural of a mountain behind you that you absolutely love. Like. Like it could be a sunrise. Like, this is like I'm bringing all this energy into this space. Like you are. You have such big energy.
Amy Babish: Like, the gray is like, yes, luxurious. But I'm like, I want to know, Janell. Like, I want you to feel like when I see you on zoom, I'm like, wow, this is. This is some big energy here. Like.
Janell Karst: Like, you know, I looked at those before, and there was the ocean and the crashing waves and, like, those, like, big wall pictures. And I'm a big picture person, too, so that just gives me some excitement to go and look for something. I know I'll find it immediately. I just. Now that I know what I'm looking for.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I think as long as it, like, the energy is like, is this the bold. And is it the bold, supportive energy behind me? That's. Yeah, that's like, what I really want. And so that's. That's. For me, with you, that's even more important than the color.
Amy Babish: It's like, do I feel that bold support behind me?
Janell Karst: Oh, my God.
Amy Babish: Amy.
Janell Karst: I just realized the song that I've been obsessed with, that I heard at a breathwork session that I play all the time now. It's called I Am the Mountain.
Amy Babish: Oh, wow. Yeah.
Janell Karst: It is such a good song. I'm send it to you after. Oh, like, it's.
Amy Babish: So please do, please do, please do. I'll put it in the show notes.
Janell Karst: Amazing.
Amy Babish: I feel like you provide a mountain of support. Like, you're just your physical structure. Like, you just are like, so you're very loving, and you're also like, no, no bullshit. Like, you're no BS And I know I'm not your client, but I can feel that from you. And, like, your hair is, like, gray and white, and, like, you just. You're fierce. Like, you have a fierceness to you. And it's like some people who Are like, I can do.
Amy Babish: Keep doing end and end. And sometimes they need some structure that's like, this is. I'm gonna give it to you straight and I'm gonna give it to you not with shame or criticism, but like, I'm gonna give it to you straight. And I know about these things, like, because I feel like you are an and.
Janell Karst: And. And I am an and person. Yeah.
Amy Babish: So it's like getting, getting that co creating and co collaborating in your space and in the energy of your office and your business is going to be super powerful. Super powerful.
Janell Karst: So excited right now.
Amy Babish: The last recommendation I have. Since the mirror is affixed to the wall and it mirrors the door, is there anything on the back of the door?
Janell Karst: Nothing. But to the side of the door, two little handles. I think there was probably a little kid that lived here and so he had his little jackets hanging down there. So I have this beautiful wooden star that I found on one of the hooks and the other hooks is a brass ring with all the chakras down it.
Amy Babish: Okay, awesome. I would say we want to, we want to amplify whatever you want to double. So if you, if you keep the star and the chakras, that's wonderful. I would just really think about the intention of like, what does the star really mean for you? And Bold in your business, what is the alignment of the chakras mean? Because when we really anchor in an intention and then we, we can also program it with the mirror, we can double the potency of it and just ask the mirror to amplify this and you and your business with your client base, in your groups, with the planner, all of that can come through. And so you might want to have something else there that maybe, you know, it's not seen on Zoom, but it's like, oh, this is like, this is, this is my intention, this is my mission. This is, you know, these are my goals. Like, it can be something that is seen or it could be behind something. So it could be like you have a picture there and you have it written on the back.
Amy Babish: So it can be hidden in plain sight and it's still being amplified by the mirror.
Janell Karst: So actually putting it on the door.
Amy Babish: Yeah, on the back of the door.
Janell Karst: Along the same wall where I'd have like the, the goals and different things here. So just extending it to the door. Because that's the only part that the mirror bound like seas. That's right.
Amy Babish: That's right. Yeah.
Janell Karst: Yep.
Amy Babish: Because my first thought was like, could you move the mirror over to the other side? But it's. It's fixed so we don't have to make it hard.
Janell Karst: Well, I mean, I can unfix it and put it over there. Like, it's okay. Not part of wall.
Amy Babish: Once you get this wall done, I think you'll have a better sense. Okay. You'll have a better sense of like, what feels like, oh, this is where the mirror wants to be. This is what's. This is what's fully aligned.
Janell Karst: Yeah. I just was so excited to have something because, you know, I'm like, only have bathroom mirrors in my house. So if I want to look like, how does my whole body look in this outfit? Like, this is the only wall in the whole house. I could put the mirror and it's just sat there the whole time. So.
Amy Babish: So it's an amazing metaphor because I think you help people to see their wholeness. Like, you can see your whole self and they can see their whole selves. So that's like, you can also be programming that into the mirror. And then the. I think one of the final notes is in the closet. I saw a bunch of things. And so to think about, even though it's not out in the open, like, what you have in there, like, is it related to your business goals? Is it related to what you want to work on? Is it related to the mountain of support? And that's a place to like, maybe be curious around editing so we can. You know, I have clients that have apartments that are studios.
Amy Babish: Like, it's not a lot of space, but having the structure around it, like, intentionally saying like, this, this is here for this reason, and this is the. This is the purpose versus, like, this is my. This is the best place to have a catch all. Like, it's like kind of that kind of thing. It's. It's being really intentional that will help that space.
Janell Karst: Well, I mean, a lot. So right now it's just the storage because everything had to come out of the office. Right. And so it's like literally all my books, all my wisdom and knowledge stuff, right?
Amy Babish: Yep.
Janell Karst: So, yes. But then I'm like, do I really want all that clutter back into my office? So I'm. I'm sitting with that. And then I edited all my clothes, so these are my, like, power suits. And these are like my things that I might wear into the world if I was speaking. And so I've added them down. I used to have a whole closet of things I didn't wear, and now I have about 20 outfits that when I look at them, I'm like, oh, I love these, so that's cool. But there definitely is the, the extras.
Janell Karst: I don't know what to do with this stuff. I don't want to throw it away, but it's there. So I love that suggestion to edit because that's exactly what I want to do now, is create this amazing space. Right?
Amy Babish: 100%. 100%. Do you have any closing questions before we complete today?
Janell Karst: What was the third card?
Amy Babish: Third card. Okay, so I did a little. When I do these podcasts, I do all kinds of things behind the scenes. And so I made a little, A little, A little altar, so it's hard to see. I'll take a picture of it for you so that way you can see it and then I'll take the card out. So I tune in to your intentions, to everything you've written on the form. I tune into whatever we're working with. So for you, it was your ancestral field, whatever the field of your entrepreneurial ancestors are, whatever the land wanted us to know about, whatever your home wanted us to know about, whatever your soul wanted us to know about.
Amy Babish: So let me see if I can show it to you this way. So this is my little podcast station. So I put it underneath where we're broadcasting from. And so I'll pull out the card now. So I'm. I do a little energetic behind the scenes moment. So I pulled the Son of Swords. It's also known as the Knight of Swords.
Amy Babish: This is from the wild unknown deck. And this, this is about like really being able to, to seize the moment and not take. Not like, not overdo it, not underdo it, but to really be like, this is the moment. And I'm acting with like, decisiveness. Like that sword that. It's an owl who is holding the sword with its talons. And it's like directionally, like, going in. And when I experience, like the fullness of who you are, like, you're very decisive.
Amy Babish: Like, and you have, I can, I can tell you carry that wisdom. And part of it is like, as you are transitioning from whatever needs to die, whatever needs to complete around you with money, you with red, you with fire, whatever that's about, and whatever you've been bound by, whatever that, whatever that binding is about, it's going to lead to like really swift action. And it doesn't mean that it happens fast, but it's like targeted, clear, direct, potent. That's what, that's what the outcome is.
Janell Karst: I love the word potent. That's so good.
Amy Babish: Yeah, it's like this Is like, this is a bold move kind of card. Like, it's like, I am bold. Yeah, I'm going, I'm going for it. And like, I am focused on my destination. I am. Like, I am intentional about my habits. I am intentional about what I believe. I am.
Amy Babish: I am committed. And there's a place for surrender, there's a place for asking for help, which is all a part of this. And I'm willing to do my part. So I'm not confused that it's all in my control, that if I did harder, faster, better, it would happen like the way I wanted to. It's like the balance of the. The owl is the wisdom. The owl is wisdom comes from beyond the beyond. And it's not just like from all of the things I do think and believe.
Amy Babish: Like, there's a place for asking for help with the wisdom and the balance of surrender and wisdom with your own humanity, with your own essence, your own gifts will lead to like really aligned action and follow through.
Janell Karst: I love that. It's really resonating. After the Costa Rica seven day retreat yoga retreat that I just came back on, one of the things that was the very first line in the yoga retreat, so my word for the year is amplify. And the very first line it says rest amplifies. And I was like, oh my God, I am very good at making bold moves and going, going, going. And I got a Raiki session when I was there and she's like, your right foot. She's like, you need this. Like, she kept talking about my right side.
Janell Karst: She's like, you're always on the gas. And so I walked away with this sense of like, the rest is what is like my, my, I'm being called for, which goes against my nature. And so the surrender and the rest, but also the fact that there's that decisive action. I don't know. I feel like it's all coming together and I'm excited about it now I just want to create my space so that it's supporting that. And that mountain feels so right. So I so appreciate all of the visuals and advice and thoughts you shared with me today.
Amy Babish: Well, it has, it has been a pleasure. Where can people find you?
Janell Karst: At Janell Karst and Instagram is probably the best way because then you can see me like chatting and the things that are important to me. And if that speaks to you, then join me and follow me and connect with me because that would be super fun.
Amy Babish: It has been a pleasure to have you and I hope for those of you listening. I hope it's resonated. I always appreciate feedback through whatever platform you're listening to the podcast you're on like a rating words. I'm Words person and if you'd like to hear more of something, let me know. Thank you so much. And if you'd like to do a House Therapy session with me, I offer 90 minute sessions and I also offer three month packages which is a bit more of a deep dive and we have lots of time to keep on working through things and as things unfold. And I'm also going to be offering some collaborations this year with House Therapy, so joining my newsletter is the best way to find out about that. And that will be in the show Notes.
Amy Babish: Until next time, I wish you the most alignment with your soulful legendary self and the systems that you carry. Thank you.
Amy Babish: That's all for this episode of the Soulful Visionary Podcast. If you found value in today's episode and are ready to delve deeper into aligning your inner world and environment, please subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Your subscription helps us to reach more soulful visionaries like yourself, and if you've been inspired by what you heard, I'd be incredibly grateful if you could leave a review. Your feedback not only helps others discover this podcast, but also guides me in creating content that truly resonates with you. I'll catch you in the next episode as we continue to unlock the love, purpose and fulfillment you deeply crave.