Ancestral Work to Find Expansion in Rest w/ Amanda Gibby Peters
If your ancestors struggled with rest, that could have trickled down to you. But there’s hope!
Today’s episode is a treat! I have my Feng Shui mentor, Amanda Gibby Peters, here with me.
Amanda is not new to ancestral work. (Though truth be told, she was hoping not to go down this path again.) But that was prior to our conversation.
As Amanda discovered—and you will soon—alchemical constellation work is just so different from any other kind of ancestral work.
This type of ancestral work allows us to dive right into the thing that’s been keeping you stuck.
“Stuck” could look like not healing a physical ailment, not being able to sell a home, or—as was the case for Amanda—not being able to fully step into that next level of expansion.
When we carry an entanglement, we carry both the gifts and the pain. It's not a coincidence that you are their chosen descendant. They’ve picked you because you have something special that no one else had to be able to figure this out for them.
You’ll especially want to tune into this client session if you, too:
» are seeking expansion
» are a Projector in Human Design
» feel that rest and fear aren’t balanced
» want to learn more about the Swords in Tarot
» wish to be more proactive vs reactive
Topics covered in this podcast episode:
How to know you’re entangled with an ancestor
How to find the ancestor you’re entangled with using constellation work
What themes show up with Amanda and her ancestors
What to pay attention to from a logical/cerebral perspective during this work
How to disentangle with an ancestor
Why it’s so important to witness your ancestors in their wholeness
Which Tarot cards Amy pulled prior to the session and how they tie in
How to utilize any resources after disentangling with an ancestor
The biggest benefit of disentangling with an ancestor
How this constellation work will allow for the expansion Amanda desires
I’m so grateful Amanda joined me for this conversation! Take a moment to explore her work—she does a beautiful job helping you understand your home in a way that most of us (especially high achieving people) underestimate the impact of the environment that we are steeping in.
If you love this episode, I invite you to leave a review for the podcast on whatever platform you prefer. Until next time, may this episode serve you, your ancestors, and your intentions.
Meet: Amanda Gibby Peters
Amanda is the voice and visionary of Simple Shui, a modern day, mission driven, love based practice of Feng Shui. She's been teaching feng shui techniques and tips for nearly two decades, witnessing the life transformations of her readers and clients. Her work has been featured on Architectural Digest, Food52, Forbes, and Amazon. She is Dallas-based with an international clientele where she lives with her husband, twin daughters when they're home from college and their rescue dog, Ruby.
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The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Soulful Visionary Podcast follows
Amy Babish: I'm your host, Amy Babish, and today I have my mentor, colleague and friend, Amanda Gibbe Peters. I'm going to introduce her and then we're going to dive right in. Amanda is the voice and visionary of Simple Shui, a modern day, mission driven, love based practice of Feng Shui. She's been teaching feng shui techniques and tips for nearly two decades, witnessing the life transformations of her readers and clients. Her work has been featured on Architectural Digest, Food52, Forbes, and Amazon. She is Dallas based with an international clientele where she lives with her husband, twin daughters when they're home from college and their rescue dog, Ruby. So my heart is beating fast. I'm so grateful for you to be here.
Amy Babish: I'm so excited. So welcome in Amanda.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Thank you for having me. I'm super. I just told you, I'm super excited. A little nervous because I don't know what to expect. I haven't done this. So thank you for inviting me.
Amy Babish: And for those of you, if this is your first time hearing me, Amanda is my house therapy feng shui mentor and so we've known each other for about three years and I am still learning from her. I will learn from her the rest of my life. And I'm humbled enough for her to come on and be a guest today. So we always start with naming our guest's intention. So you wrote it in my form, but sometimes it evolves from when you wrote it down. So what would you say your intention is for our work together today?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Expansion.
Amy Babish: Okay, there. It's boom, boom. And for those of you who don't follow Amanda, she has a master's degree in communication so she's very concise, whereas I am very verbose. So you get it straight from Amanda and it'll be a different kind of episode today. So when, when you filled out my form, you said you're interested in somatic work and. Or alchemical constellation work. And we have a tiny, tiny brief pre chat. And I said, when I tuned in, I actually don't think it's somatic work.
Amy Babish: We might get into some somatic tools depending on where the conversation heads. But I really do have a sense that it is ancestral work. So when we have an intention, and the intention is really clear, it's robust, and it's like, I'm using my hands, you can't see me because we're not on video. But when it's like really major and substantial and big and we've been like, very able to move through other things, when it comes to the thing that seems like it's more complex, more like what's happening here, Like, I get. I get the rubbish in my work. With constellation work, it usually means that we are having an equal and opposite, just like energy, an equal and opposite amount of resistance. And it doesn't mean that we're being punished. It doesn't mean that we're doing anything bad and wrong.
Amy Babish: It is that we are entangled with an ancestor. And so that.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Surprising.
Amy Babish: Yes. Amanda's not new to ancestral work. And so with this kind of work, what my thought is today is for us to tune into your intention. And so you and I will tune into it and the intention will kind of refine it a tiny bit because I did pull some cards for us before, and they're going to make you laugh because you know yourself so well and I know you so well. So I asked, like, what is at the basis of this entanglement for this ancestor?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: That you are entangled with. So it doesn't mean it's like 24 7. But when it comes to the kind of expansion you want, because those of you who, who know Amanda, she has expanded and she wants more. She's not done yet. So when it, when we're kind of getting it, what's at the base of what's happening between you and this ancestor? The card I pulled was the four of swords. And the four of swords, if you're not familiar with that, it is a lamb and it has swords above it. And this card is about rest. And so my sense is that it's not safe for this ancestor to rest or, or that they had so much lack of rest that they, like, want you to rest, like, for.
Amy Babish: For them, on their behalf. Okay. So that is. I'm not really sure which direction it is. So when we get into, like, refining the intention, we talk about this is you're clear about the forward motion, which is, I want expansion. And so if it is that I'm entangled with an ancestor who carries confusion about rest. Because you also know that as your human design. You talk about your human design other places as a projector, you.
Amy Babish: You actually need more rest and more downtime than your current life has allowed you to do.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So there's something in it, and I'm not exactly sure what side of it is yet, but we talk about, like, I want to do this work for me and disentangle from it might not just be the answer. It might the ancestor. It might be the historical, cultural, or systemic context of what that's about for them. So when we go into the field, it does feel kind of binary in my system that it's either they couldn't rest and rest is scary to them, or they want so much rest, they. They don't want you to expand because they couldn't get enough rest.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Amy Babish: So the intention with naming what we call the entanglement or the resistance allows us to kind of have the guardrail. So everyone and their mother literally doesn't show up in your. In your ancestral field. It's just. It's just. We're kind of just focusing on the ancestor or the part of the field that is kind of getting snagged. Whenever you go, you can. You can expand only so much, or it can only be in this way, or.
Amy Babish: Can I can. There's like a. It's not a glass ceiling for you, but it's like. There's a. Your true self has quite a big vision, and I feel that from you. It's totally expanded, but there's something that happens with the way it unfolds that it can't meet its potentiality.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, that. That feels spot on.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So when we do this, both you and I will tune in, and we close our eyes and we kind of start. We always start with an expression of your mom behind your right shoulder and your dad behind. Or, sorry, your mom behind your left shoulder and your dad behind your right shoulder. And we ask both of them, do you carry this pattern? Did it. Did it start with you?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay. Am I answering that right now? Yeah.
Amy Babish: Yeah. So we just. We kind of presence them behind you.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: And you're just gonna close your eyes, and if if both of them say yes, there's another. There's another path with this.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay. I mean, Amy, you know, this is kind of hard for me because I. I'm like, well, what would they say to me? Who are they today?
Amy Babish: That's okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I would say, yeah, for sure. I would say my mom.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And when we do this work, it's like they're gonna show up sometimes when we kind of get to the hotspot.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: They're going to show up at the age where the. Where the actual thing happened. So it might be young, it might be 20s. Like, it might be.
Amanda Gibby Peters: You know, it's young. I already. Right away, yeah.
Amy Babish: Okay, so then we're going to. We're going to keep on going back, and if you have any questions, you can let me know. So then we're going to presence her parents behind her shoulders. And so you're going to ask them, do either of you carry this pattern? And did it start with you?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I. I feel her mom. I. I don't know her dad. She doesn't know dad. So.
Amy Babish: Yeah, that's okay. He'll. If it's. If it's about him, he'll come through. Yeah, yeah, they're gonna. They're gonna pipe up. Okay, so then we're gonna go to your great great grandmother and we're gonna. We're gonna.
Amy Babish: Or, sorry, with your. With your great grandmother. We're gonna presence her parents, your great great grandparents behind. Behind her now. And so we're going to ask both of them, do you carry this pattern? Did it start with you?
Amanda Gibby Peters: I mean. Yes. I guess it's kind of hard because now I'm not really envisioning, you know, where I can see energy coming off, but. Yeah, I'm getting. Yes. Is what is coming through from both.
Amy Babish: Of them or just one?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Both.
Amy Babish: Okay. So we always kind of were like seeing kind of the limits of it. So we're going to go one generation back again. And when we know. When we know, it's kind of like feels like dissipated. We have to go one generation forward so that we're in the mix of when it was happening. If we go one generation back from them and it feels like it's not there, then we know we have to go forward. We're going to ask their parents.
Amy Babish: Your. That's your great, great, great. Three generations back asking them both sets. Yep. Yeah. So four. So four. Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Everyone just seems to think, yes.
Amy Babish: Okay. Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: We're very sleepy.
Amy Babish: Yep, yep, yep. So we're gonna go even one More generation back. So that would be the fourth generation. So great, great, great, great grandparents. So that's eight of them.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Oh, wow. Okay.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And we're going to ask, do you carry this pattern? Did it start with any of any person here?
Amanda Gibby Peters: That's not. I mean, my cerebral is like, yes, of course, because if you know the time period, but, like, I'm not. Yes, the same way.
Amy Babish: Okay, so just for your. Because everything's included, what is your cerebral brain saying about that time period?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, like, where they came from, struggle, you know, like, things weren't easy like they are today. You know, I mean, obviously there were different rights assigned to people based on class, gender, like, all of those things.
Amy Babish: Okay. So we're going to go one generation forward to your great, great, great grandparents.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: We're gonna just ask them to show you what's going on in their life right now at the time that they're kind of showing up in your field.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Kids.
Amy Babish: Okay. They're all kids.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Like, that's what. That's all I'm seeing are kids.
Amy Babish: Okay. Yeah. And so we're going to ask them, can you show us what was going on either in. Inside of your community or outside of your community that perhaps contributed or created what you're carrying?
Amanda Gibby Peters: So the term reward that's coming up for me is labor.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And I don't know if that's having children or if that's, like, working. It's just labor.
Amy Babish: Okay. And we're going to ask if one of them has, like, more of the pattern. So they might all carry it, but there might be one that's like, I really, really have it. We're going to ask them to kind of step forward and let. Let you see them.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay. So I see a woman stepping forward.
Amy Babish: Okay. An adult.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah.
Amy Babish: So we're going to ask her, can you show me what you mean by labor? Is it about childbirth or is it about work? Work. Okay. And you can. You can say to her, I want to understand this entanglement in a different way. I know that you've showed me many other ancestors that might be related to this, but I can feel that you have something different. And getting to know you more is going to help me to understand this more.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay. So as I'm thinking, this should. I mean, I kind of have this, like, person with their arms crossed.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Not really wanting to have a conversation.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And is she showing you any context of, like, having her arms crossed?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I mean, I see her in an apron. She's not very happy.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Almost like I'm disrupting.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah. So it seems like she doesn't rest. Might not even be in her ecosystem.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah.
Amy Babish: So we can say to her, did this pattern really start with you?
Amanda Gibby Peters: She's shaking her head no.
Amy Babish: Okay. And so we're going to go to her parents specifically. So that would be your great, great, great, great four. Four generations back right behind her.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: And you're going to ask those two, do either one of you carry this pattern? And did it start with you.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Just hearing yes.
Amy Babish: Okay. And can they show us the context? Like, maybe they're going to show us a certain place, a certain kind of land, or it might be a certain, like, market. Anything, like, any kind of context.
Amanda Gibby Peters: There. Now I just kind of see inside a small place, and I'm guessing that's where they lived.
Amy Babish: Yep. So when we start to tune in, like, what happened with their daughter, even though we've kind of gone back and forth a little bit, it will become clearer when it really is the origin of where this started. And so when we do this work, we don't have to know our family's history. We don't have to know things. But you seem to know a little bit about the historical context. And when I was tuning in to what might be here, I don't know if this is the right time, so I might not be in the right part of the systemic field, but it feels like it might be. And you will be able to know, Amanda, if it's accurate. Like, it's going to be a yes or a no for you.
Amy Babish: So I'm not attached to it. What I tuned into is possibly the migration across America.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That could be so.
Amy Babish: And it feels like it's, like, during a time when it might be, like, the 1800s.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That's where I was. Yeah. Thinking.
Amy Babish: Yeah. So if we kind of get a little bit more curious what was happening and I don't know both sides of your family system, but I know one. One of the families. I don't know which side it is, but one of the family systems was involved in a certain religion that there's a complicated history with migration with that. With that group.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That would be my dad's side.
Amy Babish: Okay, so with your mom's side, do you have a sense of this. This ancestor if we're in America? Because it does feel like 1800s, but I'm not sure of.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I don't know that they are, though.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I don't feel like they are. And honestly, I know that I, like, I do know enough of the History, but to a point.
Amy Babish: So. So sorry. I have my phone on airplane mode. I don't know how that happened.
Amanda Gibby Peters: If you saw. The person is in my mind, you understand? She's like, you do not have permission. Making me vulnerable.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. She. She needed. She needed a breather. Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: So I'm glad I have that kind of energy in my DNA.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Don't tempt me.
Amy Babish: Yes, yes. Yeah. So we don't know if we're in America. It. It feels like we're in a. A very rural place.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. That feels. That feels true. And it feels like really hard or harsh conditions.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So we can ask those great, great, great, great grandparents. Can you let me know what was going on, that it wasn't safe to rest?
Amanda Gibby Peters: I'm just getting. People were sick.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. And what do you. What happens for you when you hear that people were sick?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Do you know what? That's actually interesting because a lot of times when I get sick and my family will tell you this, I always think, oh, my gosh, we're so lucky to have a bed. We're so lucky to have conveniences. Could you imagine being. And I think of different times in history.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That's always the first thing I think when I get sick.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And so what happens when your great, great, great grandparents hear you resonate with what they live through?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I mean, they're. They're nodding.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So. So you can say to them, I. I see the struggles that you carried. And even if it was just intellectual before, I can see it with my own eyes right now. Okay. And I know you're. You're. You have a lot of fear about me expanding and see if that opens up the conversation with them a little bit.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. The thing that I keep getting is. And this really runs through everything I do is like, you can have attention, but not too much attention. Yeah. Yeah.
Amy Babish: So you can say to them, who. Who. Who were you? Who or what were you afraid of. Of drawing attention in your lifetime?
Amanda Gibby Peters: The people who, I guess owned the land is what I'm getting.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. And so can they show you what the consequences were of getting too much attention at that time? It might be another family. It might be extended family.
Amanda Gibby Peters: What the consequences were if they got too much attention?
Amy Babish: They might show you another farm. They might show you another house.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Like, criticism is the word coming up for me. Like, just criticism. Judgment.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Fear of abandonment. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's coming up.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: So maybe being pushed out.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Ostracized. Yeah, yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And singled out. Not Wanting to stand out.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And they wouldn't be able to survive on their own.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah. Because the little space that they're in feels both like, you know, to me, limiting, but to them it was everything.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Their. Their home. Their home was everything.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah.
Amy Babish: So when we carry an entanglement, we carry both the gifts and we carry the. The pain. And so it's not a coincidence that you are their descendant where you help home to become everything for people.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Right?
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. So you can acknowledge it's not all the pain. It's not all pain that you carry of theirs. You also carry their gratitude, their appreciation, their. Like the pride. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so what happens is they start to get to know you in this way a little bit more.
Amy Babish: And as you get to know them a little bit more.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Are you asking me?
Amy Babish: Yeah. What happens for you? What happens for them?
Amanda Gibby Peters: I mean, I feel like there's a specific connection now. It doesn't feel like it's abstract or just like this pool of what you came from, but like an actual connection.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And. And what we can do on this next layer is with this work, they needed something. They needed a resource that wasn't available in history, in their real lives. But we can bring it in. We can ask your systemic field and their systemic field to bring in a resource that wasn't available to them. And it's going to be something perhaps related to protection or safe belonging or unconditionally knowing who they are. No matter what the criticism is.
Amy Babish: I'm not sure what it. What it's going to be, but we can ask for that resource to. To be revealed.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I. I'm hearing time. Just time.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Like just breathing space.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. So if we could have. It might be someone that allows them to have a break, like time to rest. Like, you don't have to constantly labor to keep this home or to be at risk from not being ostracized. Like, it's. You can safely rest without criticism. You can safely be without criticism.
Amy Babish: You can safely just. What I'm even hearing is enjoy the time you have. Yeah. So it might be that it's someone that supports the bigger system of whoever that landowner is or that house owner is that gives break. Gives some, like, breathing room in the system so that your ancestors don't feel so stressed about having to be on all of the time.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Also coming through is like, just a little luck.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if we could feel. And in this resource, Amanda can literally be anything, it might be someone from their Ancient times. That in modern times, your mom might be like. My ancestors would have never taken that. But we don't know all of the context of it.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Sure.
Amy Babish: So it might be. It might be an ancient tree. It might be what I'm hearing. And this, this is. You can. You can hang with this. But I don't know if this is them. It might be like fairies or gnomes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That wouldn't surprise me. I mean that, you know, it really wouldn't.
Amy Babish: So we can invite in. It feels like it's something related to the land. It doesn't feel like it's a person, but it's something that could help, like just put some juice into the system.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah. I think it's definitely like a spirit energy of some sort, even tree like that. Energy like that. Protection and guardian.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: You know? Yeah. And just the being a very reciprocal relationship.
Amy Babish: So if we can just imagine really asking the systemic field to allow that resource to emerge and it might be behind those ancestors, it might be around them, it might be just like it's the air we're breathing, but allowing it to be clear enough so that those ancestors, they're clear about it and they receive it.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I kind of feel like there's just like a little bit of tree coverage.
Amy Babish: Okay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Then they don't feel like they're being watched all the time.
Amy Babish: Okay. And so we're going to invite them to really receive the safety, the guardianship, the good, the we've got your back feeling, and that it's really safe to finally be able to rest.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: And letting them know that. And the tree can also kind of emit that vibration or that resonance with them. And they might want to sit under the tree. They might want to have a picnic under the tree. They might just take a nap in their beds. But we're going to invite that forward movement that they're fully being taken care of.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I think they've just gone inside.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah. And so you can go inside with them and just. Just watch them as they kind of take a beat. They take a minute. And what happens for you as you watch them?
Amanda Gibby Peters: The husband, I assume, is putting her to bed so she can sleep, and he's sitting in a chair by a window reading.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And you also love to read.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I also love to.
Amy Babish: Yes, you love to sleep and read. Yeah, yeah. So we're going to just invite all the lineage to come to this house. Okay. So everybody we checked in from your mom all the way back to your great, great, great grandparents, invite all of them to be with this tree and just to receive the resonance or the vibrational healing, that it's. It's safe to have balance, it's safe to be able to rest, safe to read a book when you want, and you don't always have to be on guard or fearing ostracization or criticism. And just witnessing all of those ancestors receive a rebalancing, a recalibration, all the way down to you.
Amanda Gibby Peters: The tiny house, lots of people.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And when you feel that's complete, you're gonna face. You'll be facing all of them. Okay. And so you can say in your own way, I can see another layer of the complex system that I come from, the complex people that I come from. And I can see that rest and fear weren't balanced. And whatever else you want to say to them around what you noticed from this layer, you're just kind of acknowledging it and witnessing them and their wholeness and their humanity. Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I feel like everyone just wants to know they're going to be okay.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And so you can say to them, always, always be connected to the tree. The tree is going to help you to remember that you're taken care of, that there's resource available, that there's rest, safe rest available, that there's a balance, that you're not being monitored or watched anymore. The tree lives in each of us now, in our epigenetics, all the way down through me, your descendant, and through my daughters.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. It kind of feels like there's this collective nod, like it's. It's sinking in.
Amy Babish: So you're going to say both to your great grandparents, your sorry, your great, great, great great grandparents and the system, and to your mom, because we build the direct, direct relationship there. I take my life back from you now. I'm willing to live the life that you gave me on my own terms, filled with massive, unimaginable expansion that also has a balance with rest.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I feel like that's, you know, that's done.
Amy Babish: Okay. So now you're going to turn around, and your daughters may or may not be there, your husband may or may not there, Ruby may or may not be there, but all of your ancestors are behind you in that big tree. And just notice if you can feel all that connection, all that support and asking that big tree to support safe, unbelievable expansion.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I mean, that's. Yeah, that feels. That feels like a big yes.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And so you can look out on the horizon and notice if anything comes to you in a different way, it might Be subtle. It might be unexpected, but just inviting in. Whatever.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That just feels like maybe there's a really, like, I can see, you know, the really, like the colors associated with the sunrise, but you know when you catch it.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And you can tell, like, oh, my gosh, the sunrise is going to be everything this morning. Because of the way the colors start.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: To fill the sky. That's what it. That's what I'm looking at.
Amy Babish: Yeah. So just taking it in, letting it wash over you, letting it wash over all of your intentions related to your expansion, letting it be at the foundation. So both the tree and the sunrise, anchoring those in to all of the mini and all the big expansions that you're wanting. They might be concrete, they might be like, I'm open to how. How good it can get, kind of things. Like, we don't have to have all the specifics, but just letting it, like, wash through it like the sunshine or wash through it like a sun shower, like letting it infuse everything. And whenever you're ready, just taking a deep breath, taking a sip of water, starting to come back.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay.
Amy Babish: How are you doing?
Amanda Gibby Peters: I'm doing great.
Amy Babish: Yeah. Yeah. So how. How was that for you?
Amanda Gibby Peters: I mean, it was really, you know, I. I really enjoy the walking through because I don't think that for me, obviously for me, I don't do this kind of work regularly. It's not a conversation I'm having often, so looking or acknowledging people at different points and actually their beingness is helpful.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And what I got, as, you know, the resource for your ancestors, it was something about cutting through, like, being able to cut through the confusion. So it was the ace of swords. So, like, it. It lets me know that whatever that was for them, like that fear that they carried, they needed something that could, like, literally, like, calm. Calm their soul, calm their nervous system. And now we know it's the tree.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: So when we do this work, it's not, like, going to be. It will unfold just, like, Just like, shway. It's not transactional. So if you start to have any kind of vestige of that entanglement come up, you just call on the tree and you can summarize. And so it's. It's like anytime we do something new, it's like sometimes, like, there's a little bit of, like, kickback or, like, what's happening? Like, is it back again? It's like, oh, I'm just gonna call, like, I'm gonna let myself be under the shade of that tree. And the protection of that tree. And I'm gonna ask that tree to also care for my whole lineage that was involved in this and let me move forward with the sunrise.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah.
Amy Babish: That's a way. Like in other work, like you have to practice something or do something. And with this kind of work, it's like just really letting the resource come into your system fully and like trust that the resource is taking care of them. Because it's not that that those two ancestors are going to reentangle with you, it's that the whole system connected to them is going to continue to be supported around that.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense. And that's actually an easy on ramp.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah. It's very, very, very simple. Do you have questions? Do you have anything else that's lingering?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Gosh, I don't know. This is always one of those things where on the spot you're like, I don't know. And then after you're like, oh, ping. Oh.
Amy Babish: And that's, that's, that's completely normal and. Yeah, yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: No, I don't think so. I, I do think it's interesting that swords are what came up for that side of the family because, you know, you know, I know just enough about a lot of these things to be dangerous. Ch, my lane. My robo. But it is. I do feel like there's a lot of difficulty from, you know, like that. Not difficulty toward me.
Amy Babish: No, no, no.
Amanda Gibby Peters: But like a lot of just the world is against me.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. So the swords being both the cards. That makes sense.
Amy Babish: And, and the outcome.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Was the, the Son of Swords. I'm using the Wild Unknown deck, which is also known as the Knight of Swords. And it's an owl. An owl with a sword. And so when I, when I thought about this, like when I saw this whole spread, you know, you are so decisive. You're. You do take swift action and like you do break things down into manageable tasks. So it feels like you already were as much as possible disentangled.
Amy Babish: And it feels like it's going to be even clearer for you now that whatever it's like when we're entangled, it's like hidden in plain sight. And it, to me it feels like it's a rubber band.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: You could only go so far. And just like what they said to you in the, the meditation, it's like you can get big but not too big where you call attention. So. And I know what you're wanting for expansion is much bigger than where you've been yeah. So it feels like whatever was hidden in plain sight from you before is. It feels like like the sunrise. It feels like it's gonna come really clear.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: You already are, like, in the. I'm ready to take action. I do take action. I do follow through. That's not your trouble. For those of. Those of you people listening who don't know you, it just feels like it's going to be like the dial might even break. Like it's going to be turned up so big because you've been like, I'm ready.
Amy Babish: I want to do this. Let's do this. I want to do it. And you have been. But what you want is. I don't know what the price percentage is, but exponentially bigger.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Yeah, I think. I mean, it makes a lot of sense. I, you know, I know that I come from. On the other side. A lot of you can't do that till you're good enough. But, you know, that's just a perpetual loop. You're never good enough.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And so I'm consciously always aware of that because that's how I was raised. This is really interesting because it's the, you know, there was a safety component, and that makes sense. And like, visibility can be dangerous, which we know that. I mean, we live in that world, right?
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: But every time I go to do something, it's like a whole new level of fear gets unleashed. Now I'm really good going into fear. I'm like, you know, let's around find out.
Amy Babish: Yes, yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: But. But, like, when it collides with exhaustion and all those other things just like anyone else, then you can turn on yourself. You can do things that you're not even realizing or sabotaging. You know, you start getting into, like, I need to do more.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Instead of that, I can do less. And this can still work. Yeah. So this makes a lot of sense.
Amy Babish: And this feels like it might recalibrate that piece of it for you too. So I think you can like, the, like, the swiftness of, like, the wisdom of the owl and the sword is like, oh, I'm gonna, like today. Or I. I feel like something coming on, so I need to cut back here.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And, like, have the foresight versus it's reactive.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yes.
Amy Babish: So, yeah, it feels very much like it will be a more nuanced scalpel versus a sword of like, oh, I don't have to get to this place of this tension I'm holding. That's like, unconscious. That's what the ancestral entanglement is. It's hidden in plain sight. Because consciously you don't feel these things.
Amanda Gibby Peters: No. But isn't it interesting that you pulled an owl, too?
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: The owl is that, you know, the hunter at night.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: In the dark grief. Right. Like. Yeah.
Amy Babish: And the resource which was the ace of swords is a rainbow snake around one sword. Yeah. Or in the earth sink and like, information. Yes. Transformation is happening.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And ace. So it's a beginning.
Amy Babish: Yes, it is a very different. And it's. It has thunderbolts. It's like an electrified, like, energized new beginning.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: For your ancestors.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: For you. So I was like, this. This feels right. Yeah. So it's like, whatever. You know, when we do this kind of work, there's always layers, but this layer feels like it freed up so much energy for you to be able to know, like, this is the refinement I need. If I'm going to go this big, I'm gonna need, like, this is not for everybody, but for Amanda's system, it really feels like you need 90% of your time. That is really just your time.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Not a lie.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So if it's going. She works out before work, like, if it's that or if it's like, I'm gonna rest today or I'm gonna take Ruby for a walk or I'm gonna read a book, like, that feels like that is, like, how you're going to pay yourself.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Like that. Whatever. Whatever the expansion looks like in your business, it's that. That will equal out. Like, that's really important for you and your ancestors.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Yeah. I'm actually really curious because I know and you and I have had this conversation, like, 2025, for a couple of years now, has always been in my mind as a year that I need to do a lot less. And it is hard to pull back because there's a lot of demand and expectation. And I'm going through this stage of disappointing people right now, which I don't love.
Amy Babish: Yes. Yeah. And it's like, whatever that is for them.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: You know, the wisdom that you carry as a mentor is like, whatever that is about for them and their entanglements.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Right, Right.
Amy Babish: You need to model being a human.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Yeah. And so this is because at the same time, as soon as I start letting go and really being clear and saying, no, this is what it is, and not offering any cushion, which, again, even saying that makes me like, oh, my gosh. Right. But knowing, like, thankfully, for years, years, it's been like, you have to rest in 2025. To really have what's waiting for you in 2026, that's, like, just been the message for many years.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I'm grateful. I'm grateful. It's scary, so for anyone, but, but, but, but. Well, I'll let you know how it works out. Call me in December. But what's actually interesting about it is in that being really clear, this is where this comes to an end. For now, some really big things, opportunities to put things in motion that I'm not doing are happening. And it's not without big risk.
Amanda Gibby Peters: It's not without a lot of, like, you know, you have to have the. That sword. Like, you gotta. You gotta be able to, you know, swing that thing. But I'm really like, okay. I wouldn't have seen these things or been able to have the energy to trust the investment in these things if I had said, okay, these doors are shutting.
Amy Babish: That's right.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Like, and for those of you who, again, Amanda just turned 50, so this was very intentional. So.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yes.
Amy Babish: This was not just because of the election. It's nothing like that.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Oh, my gosh. No. This is. When I've done this for, like, probably four years, it's been like, like, you're gonna do whatever and run, run, run, do. Deal with the chaos, be creative and all that. But 2025, you need to find a different way to do.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And to be able to have what constellation work is, like, you can have more Amanda.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yes.
Amy Babish: It's not that we're not connected to our ancestors anymore. It's just that you don't have to be the one who's, like, bringing their lived experience into your present life.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And so it's like, they're being taken care of, you're being taken care of, and there's more freedom just to be what I would call your soul. Like.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: This is your soul's mission. This is. This goes outside of your blood lineage.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Right. That makes sense. Yeah.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Well, that's what it feels like. That's what the expansion feels like. Like, this is, you know, this is something that. Well, it goes back to what I always say. What's the unique ability? Which is, you know, someone else's phrase, but, like, this idea of what is it that you're really good at? And then do that.
Amy Babish: Yep.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And I'm really good at doing a lot of the things underneath that, but it's, like, really pulling all the energy in and being like this.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: This is the sweet spot. So how are we going to do.
Amy Babish: That for a while?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. And that goes out big.
Amy Babish: Yes. Massive.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Yeah. And you know, when we're transforming, especially when we are a teacher or mentor.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Mm.
Amy Babish: It's scary for people because when they don't know how to fully transform, they want us to be a certain kind of way or stay as is. And I know that out. I know that personally. And that's part of. Part of what happens when we sign up for an initiation. Like house therapy, feng shui. It is a Taoist practice. Taoist wisdom and ancient wisdom practices are all about initiation.
Amy Babish: And so some of us get it when we start with our house, and some of us get it when we have our teacher grow and evolve.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Yeah.
Amy Babish: It's like when you sign up for an initiation, we don't get to choose how the initiation happens.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And we're not like, disregarding people's experience. And to continue in something that doesn't fully serve both people creates confusion, I think. For sure.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. Yeah. And I, you know. Yeah, it's a. It's a hard thing to get to. I, you know, for, I guess, for anyone listening. But, you know, I was just having this conversation with my daughters. I'm like, the intuition piece is always like the big, big feeling.
Amanda Gibby Peters: It's not naggy. It's not worry. But the logic or the cerebral satisfaction is. Is down the road.
Amy Babish: Right. Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And there's going to be a lot of. A lot of like, sort of like, oh, you know, doubt and question and. But what if. And have you thought about. And you know, you just have to really, you know, hold on and, you know, keep your eyes on your own paper, is what I say.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And I'm relearning that right now.
Amy Babish: Yes. Yeah. And it's like you can call in for those students that are really in the experience of disappointment. I want more from you. I'm not done with you yet.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: It's like you can even invite in a resource for your mentorship with them, just like we did with this practice.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, that makes sense.
Amy Babish: There's a mentor that's available to the system of, of house therapy.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Even to if it goes as far as how often you pro. You post on Instagram. It's like there are resources that you ask the resource to help take care of.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I think it's all of that. It's like the whole, you know. You know, I just went to this. I, I for my birthday, went away with a girlfriend and we had this like, real heart to heart. And, you know, she made the funniest comparison, but she's Just like you're not going to be for everyone anymore.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: And I'm like, that's just so uncomfortable and, and it. That probably doesn't come across the way that it is. It was delivered, but it was really about to reach more. You have to stay like, you know, you have to keep your energy concentrated. And so I've built this really lovely space to learn and there's so many resources, but to do that next thing, I have to pull a lot of that in. And so, you know, for. If I can model that for anyone. Yay.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Because it is. It is walking fire.
Amy Babish: Yeah. It's like I have to re. I have to be willing to reorganize.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And the reorganization that. That terrifies people.
Amanda Gibby Peters: It is. It feels like some tower in there. It does feel like some things, you know, and it's. And it's gonna. It, you know, scorched earth is good, but it. And I'm not scorching things. I don't want to mislead people. It's just the way that, you know, I'm going to show up this year is different.
Amanda Gibby Peters: So if that encourages anyone to be.
Amy Babish: Bold, it brings up our stuff when we see people take. Make big moves.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And I'm willing to do it mass really differently.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Because that, that touches our own story of it's not safe for me to really do things differently. What would I have to put on the line? Who would I upset to be true to myself?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. So this. So to bring this all back, like the conversation was super helpful because I felt like it was all immediate and present. And now we've shown. Oh, some of this that I'm feeling might not actually be the people around me. I might just be taking these other, what you call entanglements and prescribing them to current day affairs. So it's very full circle. Yeah.
Amy Babish: Ding ding, ding. It's like when we are in an entanglement, we go from who we like discerning. Like I can see the whole picture. I can see a whole person to instead of rose colored glasses, it's entanglement glasses. And it's like even our five senses are involved.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Like I am perceiving the situation as if my ancestor did. And it's like when. Oftentimes when we're in entanglement, it's like I literally have thrown everything at it and it's not moving.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: It's like everything I usually do, the ancestors, like I always say, like they scoff at us like, oh, you think somatic Work's gonna help this. You think house therapy is going to help this? Like, they're like, they're like, respect. And so that's how I know, like when you were like, is this somatic work? I'm sure you could benefit from some somatic tools.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: But the depth of what I felt when I felt into it was like, oh, this is like they are going to pull the reins every time. You can only go, like I heard Paul Abdul, like two steps forward, two steps back.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, yeah. And it's, and it's felt that way. And I told you before, like, every time I've done any sort of energetic work, work with someone, usually on more than a one term basis.
Amy Babish: Right.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Ancestor comes up like, it is strong. I mean, to the point that I also shared to you with you before. Like, I'm like, not today.
Amy Babish: Nope, nope, nope, nope. Yeah, so this is like, it's a different way and it will help us to be able to be like, oh, when I'm feeling that, I just call in the resource, I call in the tree. Tree, that epic tree. Please help those ancestors to feel safe and please help me to feel safe.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And please, I don't want to say like run interference, but like whatever is happening between that landowner and your great, great great grandparents, that dynamic is showing up with some people in your current life.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I, I feel, I, I definitely feel that way.
Amy Babish: So it's like I'm going to ask that tree and the sunrise literally to bring that in for me, my business, my listeners, man.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, just wherever, Just wherever. I mean, you know, and, and just as a side note, when you've done something for, you know, 20 years, you're going to change.
Amy Babish: Yeah, yeah. Well, and some people don't, but you are going to change.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, I'm going to change. But also in thinking again in relation to people's lives, you know, 200 years ago, let's say, like things didn't change like that. If it changed, that was probably a really bad sign. Right. So there is all of that hesitation and like, you know, like so much caution at the cost of, you know, everything that's right in front of them. You know, sort of that appreciation for what is.
Amy Babish: Yeah.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Because you're constantly in worry mode, constantly trying to find the thing that could go wrong. Yeah, yeah.
Amy Babish: And this is like, I'm freeing up my energy so I don't have to be entangled in that.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah, that's exactly. Yeah.
Amy Babish: And whoever, you know, whoever is really feeling disappointed in you, whatever that medicine is for them, they get to work through whatever that really is about, because it's really not. Yes. There's a human thing between you and them. We're not. We're not disregarding that. And there can be a breakthrough or medicine for them on the other side of whatever that's really about for them. Because when we give our power to our mentor and make them our everything, we're powerless.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. I think that's a projector symptom, too. I mean, I again, don't know a ton about human design enough to be dangerous. I do think that's one of those projector symptoms, you know, like, of people, you know, putting a lot of their expectations and ideas about who you are on you, and then you feel sort of boxed in to perform or live up to or exceed.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Their expectations. Yeah.
Amy Babish: I don't know if I have this remembered correctly. Are you a five one?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: Yeah. So five ones, that's a huge. A huge dynamic.
Amanda Gibby Peters: So maybe that's a five one thing and not a project. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So see, enough to be dangerous.
Amy Babish: Someone else in my Life is a 5:1 manifesting generator.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And that is a huge dynamic for that person, too. So I know. I know that's a strong thing for five Ones. Like, you should have all the answers and you should, like, you should be responsible for everything.
Amanda Gibby Peters: You've been in my classes. You know, I am the first to say I don't know.
Amy Babish: Yes.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I'm gonna have to think about that.
Amy Babish: Yes. So we can know. We can have a curiosity of perhaps that 5 oneness goes back to whatever fear that your great, great great grandparents were really living with around.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: I'm gonna be so shamed or so criticized that I'm gonna lose my tiny house and I'm not gonna be able to survive.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And God forbid I get sick.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Right.
Amy Babish: I'm gonna be criticized. I can't rest. So all of that, we can be like, oh, it has been my lived experience. And I don't. That they're being taken care of now.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: And so they're not going to need to play it out with me to pay attention to them.
Amanda Gibby Peters: That's so crazy. That's just really crazy. You know, I've never thought about rest being something that's ancestrally. Oh, past here. It's your baton noun.
Amy Babish: Yeah. We picked you because you're the one who's capable of figuring out rest for.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah.
Amy Babish: For you and our whole system.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Thanks.
Amy Babish: Yeah. That's. That's what being a descendant is. It's like we have picked you because you have something special that no one else had to be able to figure this out.
Amanda Gibby Peters: Yeah. That's amazing. I mean, it is amazing. I don't always love the assignments, but it is amazing.
Amy Babish: Oh, my goodness. Well, it has been such a delight and a pleasure and we've gone on a wild ride together. Would you like to share where people can find you these days?
Amanda Gibby Peters: Oh, sure. So I would say if you want to just get a sense of the world that is shui, my website, if you're curious to learn feng shui, definitely check out my course. Become your own feng shui consultant. It is, I think, you know, I have been really kind of going back through everything and it is. It is really such a comprehensive, fantastic course for people who just want to understand feng shui in a way that makes them feel confident, but then also to be able to do things with that same level of confidence in their home. So that's a great thing to check out. I have a podcast, House therapy. I have a book, 365 Ways to Feng shui your life.
Amanda Gibby Peters: There's so many things. And then a blog and Instagram. So all the spaces and places you'll.
Amy Babish: Find me, you will not regret it. And Amanda is like master's level course content. Like, she is so generous with her course content, even with what she shares for free. And really immersing yourself in her world, it's going to help you to understand your home and environment in a way that for most of us, especially high achieving people, we really underestimate the impact of the environment that we are steeping in and that we are like, we could actually co create with. So, Amanda, I think I might have broke up a little bit. I broke the Internet with that comment.
Amanda Gibby Peters: I heard most of it. So thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. And yeah, I do think it's a life skill everyone deserves. I really do. So that is the intention behind everything that I am, I've created and everything I'm going to continue creating.
Amy Babish: So this is absolutely amazing. If you love this episode, please rate my podcast. Leave us a comment and if you'd like to see more, let me know what you're interested in. And until next time, may this episode serve you, your ancestors, and your intentions. Thank you. That's all for this episode of the Soulful Visionary podcast. If you found value in today's episode and are ready to delve deeper into aligning your inner world and environment, please subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Your subscription helps us to reach more soulful visionaries like yourself.
Amy Babish: And if you've been inspired by what you heard, I'd be encouraged incredibly grateful if you could leave a review. Your feedback not only helps others discover this podcast, but also guides me in creating content that truly resonates with you. I'll catch you in the next episode as we continue to unlock the love, purpose and fulfillment you deeply crave.