Blog | Somatics, Family & Systems Constellations, Feng Shui & Transformation - Amy Babish
Insights for Transformation & Living Fully
Worthiness, Awakening, and Legacy Building
In this video blog, I’m humbled to share a layer of my journey with worthiness, awakening, and legacy building from my 300-plus live video series that began in 2021.
How to Feel Worthy: A Holistic Approach That Works!
This blog unpacks the double binds of worthiness, the importance of somatic work, and when to use mindfulness tools and belief work for how to feel worthy. This blog offers support for many kinds of people. If you’re at the beginning of your worthiness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion journey, or if you want more and have BIG dreams, read on.
Cape Town Tidal Pools: Cold Water Immersion where Bravery Meets Aliveness. A Peak Experience.
Sharing my Cape Town Tidal Pools peak experience after facilitating a leadership retreat for BIPOC or global majority women. Unpacking how I reset my nervous system after the initial shock of the cold water to feel my whole-bodied YES and access my bravery. Potent aliveness opened a peak experience.